🌺 Chapter XXXVIII

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 <Via's POV>

"Hey, Groff?" I ask. I nervously play with my jacket sleeve, mentally rehearsing what I'm going to say.

"What's up, kid?" he asks, not looking up from his phone.

"Can I... uhh..." I completely forgot what I was going to ask. Shit. I frantically rack my brain, trying to focus, which only makes me lose my focus more.

"Forget what you were gonna say?" he asks teasingly. I don't answer because I'm too busy trying to remember what I was going to ask. "It's fine. You'll remember eventually."

"Hair... thing," I say, miming cutting my hair.

"A haircut?" I snap my fingers.


"Yeah, you can get a haircut. You don't have to ask permission."

"Well, I don't have money," I say.

"Oh, right. Umm, I'll work on that. Can it wait a few days?"


"Sweet. So, what are you thinking? Short? Long? Neon yellow?"

"Neon yellow?" I scoff. "Could you pick an uglier color?"

"Just asking. But, really, what do you want? I have to tell them when I set up the appointment."

"I- I want it short."

"Cool." I pause, watching him. He looks up at me. "You- You can go back to your room now."

"You're not mad that I want short hair?"

"Uhh, no? Should I be?"

"I thought you'd be mad that I don't want long hair."

"Is this about the transgender thing? Because if it is, I don't care. It's your hair, you do what you want with it. Go back to your room and, like, stress about homework instead."

"Thanks, Groff," I whisper.


B: Hi

V: Hey.

B: What's up?

V: Brushing my teeth.

I point my phone camera at the mirror. My blue toothbrush is sticking out my mouth and, for once, I don't have a jacket on. I take the picture, sending it to her.

V: *one attachment*

B: Do u work out? 😮

V: Yeah.

B: Your hot. 😁😁😁

B: 😍

V: *You're.

V: And thanks.

I finish brushing my teeth and go back to my room, throwing on my Wicked hoodie. I take another picture of myself and send it to Beth.

V: *one attachment*

B: I'm not saying you don't look good in a hoodie, but you look better without it. 😉😉

V: You're saying I should go to school without a shirt?

B: No!

B: Just without a hoodie.

B: Only if you want tho. 😊

V: No, thanks.

B: K. See you at school

B: 😘


I walk up behind Beth, resting my chin on her head. She giggles and turns around, pressing her face into my chest as she tightly hugs me.

 "Yes, hello," I laugh, lightly patting her back. "Look up."

"Oh my chocolate chip cookies! You got a haircut," Beth gasps. A grin slowly spreads across her face. She reaches towards my hair, her eyes sparkling. "Can I touch? Pretty please?"

"Yes, you can touch my hair. Just this once." I slightly lean down and she musses up my hair, beaming.

"It's so soft!" she gasps. "And it's pretty!"

"Okay, okay. That's enough." She pouts, giving me her puppy-dog eyes. "No. That's not fair, Beth."

"But it's so pretty and soft," she whispers. She stands on her toes, flinging her arms over my shoulders.

"Rehearsal," I sigh. "If you can wait until rehearsal--"

"Nope. I'm touching your hair at lunch, and there's nothing you can do to stop me." She quickly kisses my lips and smiles. "Bye!"

"You're lucky I love you!" I call as she walks away. She turns around and blows me a kiss, then disappears around the corner. Yep. I love her.



Love y'all!

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