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Shit shit shit shit!!! I rush to get dressed I look over to see Clarke getting dressed too. But Octavia runs in and almost hits the ladder when she saw us. "Did you know what we'll talk about this later here's your guns." She tossed our guns to us and runs out. I hear screams and guns firing. "Shit" Clarke shouts "what?"I said worried "I...uh...kinda..started my period....ya" she says slowly. I stare at her blankly and quickly turn around and throw her a clean cloth off of the counter for her to use for now. "Thanks now hurry" she shouts. I run out grab a gun that Octavia gave us and run to my post. I look around to see everyone is quiet. The woods is quiet. What the hell is going on. Then I see it. I green dot from a laser light. 7 of them. I follow the beam up to a sniper rifle. Then I hear grunts and a distant scream. All of the lights go off. One by one. What the fuck. I was so caught up in the lights I didn't even notice Clarke standing next to me. I look her dead in the eye and she has the same look on her face. Worry and confusion. Same as mine. Suddenly grounders came rushing at us and all hell broke loose.

God damn. So many grounders came at us. And it got loud fast. I mean like .000000005 seconds after they ran at us screams and gun fire rang out. Many grounders dropped dead but more made it to the gate. "GET IN THE DROPSHIP!!!" Everyone got in. And the door began to close. But of course one grounder got in. And she instantly stabbed me.

Well damn. Clarke was stabbed. Bellamy will probably kill them, bring them back to life and kill them again because he can. Anyway. Bye

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