Camp Bellamy

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When we first got off of the dropship I didn't expect to see a world of such beauty.there were tall trees and green grass and moss everywhere. We had landed on a smooth slope so we had a small decline to make it to what looked like a river or something close to that. I watched as everyone ran out of the dropship to explore the surrounding area. I turned around to see the most flawless face I've ever seen. Me being the player that I am I leaned against the doorframe and with a smirk said " why aren't you exploring like the rest?" " I would rather go to mount weather like they said in the screening they gave us back on the Arc and get some food but I'm just trying to figure out where the hell we landed and how long it would take to get some people there." She said with no emotion. Holy shit. She is really smart. " uh hello" she waved a hand my face. I blinked rapidly realizing that I had been staring at her. " uh sorry just kinda spaced out" I said uncomfortably. "I'm Clarke she said. "I'm Bellamy" I responded back. Clarke looked down at her map and continued to work on the food issue while I turned and walked off leaving her to her work. What the fuck was that. Oh well. I looked around and called everyone around. " alright everyone we need to set up some rules and shit. Who here as any idea how to do medical work." I yelled not expecting for the Clarke to say " I know a lot about medical" everyone turned toward her. I walked toward her and said " wait isn't your mom the head of medical" " yes" she said quietly. I looked at her and said well aren't you a princess. She gave me a glare. I gave her a smirk as my response. I moved back into the center of the crowd and continued my speech " alright everyone princess over there is going to be our camp doctor. We need a group of people to go look for food. So who would like to volunte-" " who made you in charge Bellamy"   " shut up Murphy." I spat back. He grumbled off to stand off in the distance as I continued my speech.

Time jump———— 1 month after

It's been a good month since we landed. I gained control with Clarke.We found lots of food and water. But the downfall is that we found out there were people already on the ground. We haven't had many encounters with them but we know they are there. Clarke had proven herself as a doctor and a co-leader. She healed a kid with goggles named " jasper" after he was speared to a tree. And Clarke keeps me inline with all my responsibilities. She's pretty but she kinda has a thing for space walker aka Finn. I don't like him that much but whatever I have a bunch of girl who are basically throwing themselves at me. And Monty and jaspers new moonshine concoction don't really help. I feel nothing with them even when I balls deep. It's strange. I used to always want the sex but now it's just kinda stale. But whatever it's okay I guess. Not really I know Clarke and I fight a lot but she gets me well she's so pretty and nice and caring  and I just wanna hold her and fuc- woooahhh hold on no no no I can't/won't feel that way about her. Anyway Tonight we had a bonfire. We had lots and when I say lots I meant LOTS of drinks that night. Even Clarke which is strange considering the fact that she never usually parties with us. " HEY a-are you even l-l-listening to meeee" a girl named Emmy (I think) asks " yea" I say. " doooo ya wanna maybeeeee go to my tent and ya know *wink* *wink*" she manages slur out. I look over to the fire where Clarke and Finn are sitting and chatting wondering what they are chatting about. I was about to go sit and talk to them but Emmy drags me off to her tent.

I watch as Bellamy gets dragged off by some slut. It disgusts me to think that he doesn't really care about her. I wish he would just come get me and Wait ew why do I care what he does I turn my attention back to Finn "- and that is how I got my nickname spacewalker" he finished " uh-huh" I simply say back. " hey, he touches my knee, were you even listening" he gives me a worried look "look Finn I'm tired I'm just going to go to my tent" " oh ok I guess I'll see you tomorrow then" he sounds kind of disappointed. Like he wanted to talk more but I wasn't even really listening I was to distracted by Bellamy and his pretty eyes and his strong arms and his.......oh shit shit shit shit nope. I get up and leave without another word and head to my tent. I sprawl across my bed and hear someone talking in the tent next to me. So of course I listen in " look Emmy I can't do this right now" was that Bellamy????? " aww come onnnnnnnn it'lllll be fuuuunnnn" " no you get some sleep ok" okaaaayyy" she sounded disappointed "I need to find Clarke" I hear him mutter. Wait hold up did he just decline anonymous sex. Holy shitballs. "Clarke" I hear my name be called so I poke my head out of my tent and signal him over. " what's up Bellamy" " I just wanna talk" he gestured to inside of my tent. I let him in and he sat down on my cot. "Clarke, I don't know what's wrong with me" I give him a confused look. " I don't like being a player anymore. It's to fucked up and I don't know how to stop it. Octavia poked her head in " hi there I just couldn't help to hear that you don't want to look like a complete ass anymore. So my suggestion is to fake date." WAIT HOLD THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!

What's up sluts. What will happen id Bellamy and Clarke start to fake date? Will true feelings start to show or will it all go up in flames? Find out soon

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