Chapter Twelve

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Lust was in Horror's room, still sleeping on his bed.

Horror was downstairs, watching TV, just as a portal opened.

Dust, Error, Killer, Cross, Blueberry, and the one and only Nightmare came out.

"Hi Big brother," Killer said, waving. 

Horror was used to Dust, Error, and Killer in his house, but it was unexpected for Blue and Nightmare to come out.

"What-" "We need to talk," Nightmare interrupted his question. "Yeah, Ink and Dream are trying to get in each of out AU's," Dust said. "Besides X-Tale," Cross mumbled. "OK, what does this have to do with me?" Horror asked. "Has anyone that wasn't from this AU come in this AU?" Error asked. "Yeah-" "That was an attempted from Ink trying to spy on you, but obviously, it didn't work. They're finding people with reasons for going into AU's so they can use them," Nightmare said as Horror thought for a moment. "Can't the AU be recoded so they can't enter?" Horror asked. "No, it'll just block all portals, including me and Nightmare's," Error said, Horror sighing. "And... What is the purpose in telling me this?" "They want to find our weak spots, and from what Killer talks about nonstop, you're making yours painfully obvious," Nightmare said. "True-" "So quit it," Cross said. "Alright, I get it. I'll stop," Horror said, then heard a noise from the basement. "Horror, this is serious!" "Hold that thought...." Horror said, getting up and grabbing his ax, going to the basement door. 

Horror looked at the others, holding his right index finger to his teeth before going inside the basement.

Horror saw a few mice, which pissed him off.
He went to his weapon rack, grabbing an assault rifle, shooting it at the mice family, making a real big noise.

Most of them died, but the youngest didn't.
Horror put that gun away, grabbing a pistol, about to shoot it, but his hand was grabbed.

"What're you doing?!" Lust whisper-yelled. "Killing them, it's obvious-" "Don't, they're not doing anything," Lust said, walking up to the small gore scene, picking up the cute baby mouse.

"Lust put it down. That can have diseases-" "Rats can, mice can't," Lust said, looking at the terrified mouse. "Kill it. It better be dead by the time they leave," Horror said, teleporting.

"Was it Lust?" Dust and Killer asked. "Who's Lust?" Nightmare asked. "Wait, Lust?" Blue said. "Why is Lust here?" Blue asked. "No, Lust is Lust, yes Lust, because he can be," Horror said. "Before I came here, he was reported missing from the Papyrus there," Blue said, Horror rolling his eyes. "Not my fault," Horror said. "You kidnapped someone from another AU?" Nightmare asked, but Horror shook his head. "He came here himself, and was found when I was with Papyrus while I was with you guys, then Papyrus left me with him," Horror said. "And he's your weak spot?" Horror shrugged, then nodded. 
"Wait, wait. Why's he here?" Horror pointed at Blue. "He's with Dust because Blue is Dust's Baby Daddy, but Dust is Blue's Baby Fath-" Dust punched Killer in his arm. "Ow... You little bitch..." Killer mumbled, earning a glare from Dust. "Either way! Tell me the whole point of being here!" Horror said. 
"Summing this up, they're trying to find all of our weak spots. Stop showing any weak spot, or lead them off. But at the same time, keep this Undyne off of your trail, because we're not always going to be here to make a portal because you decided to break your contractor. Unless you just want to come back to the castle?" Nightmare said, thinking for a moment. "No, I'm fine here," Horror said as Nightmare nodded. "So, anyone that's not like anyone is this AU is most likely sent from Ink or Dream," Nightmare said as Horror looked out his opened window, seeing the bushes move.

"Understood?" Nightmare said as Horror nodded. 
Suddenly, a dagger flew right past Horror's face, out the window, and into the bush. 

"Ow, fuck!" 

Everyone looked at Lust, who was upstairs, and walked off with something in his hands, which were covered by the big hoodie's sleeve.

"Can I see who it was?" Killer asked, leaving before Horror could answer.

Horror followed, both of them going outside, seeing someone trying to pull Lust's dagger out of his stomach.
They were wearing a cloak and mask.

Horror sighed, going to them, taking the mask and hood off, only for everything to become paint.
"Ink..." They said in unison.

Horror went inside, closing the window, and everything else, making sure nothing can see in there. 

"Who was it?" "Ink's sending ink people... He must be doing it in all of the AU's, trying to find out everything..." Horror said as Nightmare sighed. "We have to go to our own AU's and keep them out. Remember what I said," Nightmare said as he opened a portal, everyone walking through.

When everything was blocked off, Horror went upstairs, going into his room to see a mouse of Lust's head, as Lust giggled. 

"You're a female, so I need a name for you," Lust said, holding his hand by his head, the mouse jumping onto his hand.
"Kill it!" Horror growled, Lust sighing and getting up, walking to Horror. "She's nice, and a baby. She can learn things and help us," Lust said, knowing Horror would want something useful. "Still no," Horror said as Lust looked down. "I'll kill it if you don't." Lust shook his head. "Watch, she's harmless, and she's hungry. I'm keeping her," Lust said as Horror groaned. "Keep it out of my room and Paps' room," Horror said as Lust smiled at Horror before running to the kitchen.

Lust went to the kitchen sink, setting the mouse on the counter and grabbed a short, but wide bowl.

He put warm water and soup in it, then put the small mouse inside of it.

"You'll take a bath, then we'll eat," Lust said, washing the baby mouse.
When he was done, he dried her off with a rag, making her squeak. 

Lust grabbed a few foods, setting them on the counter, as well as the small mouse.
"Choose one," Lust said, the mouse looking at the foods, then going to the cupcake, grabbing a small piece. 
"You like cupcakes. That's what I'll call you then! Cupcake!" Lust said, giggling.

Lust set Cupcake on the counter on the basement, giving her pieces of the leftover cupcake.

"You seriously kept a mouse?" Jin asked as Lust nodded. "She's small and cute. If she learns things early, she'll grow up to them, and Horror likes useful things," Lust said as Jin nodded. "True," Jin said as Horror walked down the steps.

"Alright, let's begin," Lust said, Jin nodded.

Later on, when Lust fell the floor, Cupcake jumped down and ran to him, climbing him, a forcefield covering them.

"What!?" The three said in unison.

Jin hit the force field, it not breaking.

"It's an escape test mouse from Alphys..." Horror said, Lust giggling and picking Cupcake up. "You're a lifesaver Cupcake," Lust said, sitting up.

"I guess it-" "She!" Horror rolled his eyes. "She's useful," Horror said. 

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