The start of a big regret.

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I had found the group sat on a table and as soon as I walked over they all gave me certain looks and as soon as I sat down I was bombarded with questions about Jayden and I looked over to the other side and saw her walking with Cheryl and some of the vixens. I just pointed over to them.

Betty gave Cheryl the dirtiest look and looked back over to me. "It'll be okay (y/n) I'm sure she'll realise how cold Cheryl is." I nodded and they talked about going to pops after school, I was too lost in thought and I was certainly confused as to why she was with Cheryl of all people. I let go but decided that it was too much effort to let her mess up.

We all ate our lunch and listened to Archie playing his guitar and singing along with Veronica. They're such a good couple together. I was talking to Betty about how Polly was doing and she told me how when Polly arrived at the house, her mother was actually happy to see her and embraced the fact that she was pregnant but it turned out that Jason was the father and they had a problem with it but other than that they welcomed her back.

"That's great Betty! I'm glad for you! I could say the same about Jay and father, he welcomed her back massively but something seems to be a bit off about that situation.. he seems too happy" I laughed a little bit, feeling a bit too sceptical.
"I'm sure he's just nervous to have two teenage girls living with him at this point, he's only had to deal with one right now hasn't he" I nodded and agreed
"Maybe you're right.." I stopped talking and started to think that maybe I am overreacting a little bit right now and so I talked to jughead about the serpents and the history, seeing as I didn't know too much about the history other than what I heard from Toni's grandfather.

Something has kicked off in the school, a loud bang and shouting was heard, the principal was shouting a lot.

I saw Sweet pea, Fangs and Toni all run in laughing, they got stopped and he said that they could come and see me. I walked over to them and asked what they were doing here and why they they were here. Fangs hugged me first and kissed me on the forehead and I hugged back and smiled.
"What are you guys doing here again? What's going on?" They all looked at me and laughed a little bit.
Fangs: "we wanted to come and see you... well... I wanted to come and see you only but...-" he wasn't able to finish before Sweetpea stepped in and spoke;
"Were here to ask you why we haven't saw you since the whole penny incident and we would like to meet your sister. Truthfully." She looked around "well? Where is she?"
I sighed.

"She's with Cheryl Blossom" they all looked at me and all asked 'who' in unison. I told them who she was and Toni seemed to smirk and walk around to Jughead, talking to him a little. I walked over after speaking to the boys and told them what was happening and what was about to happen and so I took them to Cheryl and her posse.

I walked over to Jay and pulled her aside, Cheryl instantly turning around and giving me sass. "What are you doing? I was talking to her you Hobo" I looked at her and then Toni and Toni knew what she was doing and took her for a walk, the boys introducing themselves. I decided now was the time.

"Jay... sis... you have to stay away from Cheryl. She's nothing but trouble and she's most likely going to upset you, take it from me!" She just nodded.
"I'll take it into note" and smiled. A little.

Then we heard a massive bang and a shout, Cheryl had slapped Toni and pushed her and she hit a wall, I instantly ran over and hit her back.
"Don't you dare disrespect us you slut!" And I slapped her again.

This was definitely the start of a big regret. Jay knew it too.

I updated!!!! :) you guys are welcome! I hope I didn't make this chapter go to quick! Love you guys!

Serpents, out! 🐍!!

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