Incident at the wyrm

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(I'm gunna go off of the script of what happened and lead my own story as it's stressing me out and limiting what I would like to write! Anyways! A long awaited chapter!)

As I walked to the group bench at lunch I saw how the cops were circulating the school and how they were everywhere within school grounds trying to stay out of sight of lost the students and doing a very bad job at it. I sat down and Archie came over as if he had seen a ghost and he told me how he had told them what happened and how he was with "Vegas" that morning on July 4th. I started to freak out, scared of who was going to be hurt.

"Archie... I don't..." and I blacked out. I felt my body shake and I couldn't control it. I kept waning in and out of consciousness and when it all started to die down I started to cry. By that point Jug, Betty, Ronnie and Archie were all surrounding me and helping me to stay calm.

"(Y/n) are you okay?" Jug said looking down "you had a seizure and you fainted, don't worry! Fangs is on his way" as soon as I heard that Jug had called Fangs I fell asleep.

When I woke up I was in my own room with a muscled figure next to me, holding my head to his chest. I looked up.
"You okay sunshine?" He asked simply smiling.
"I'm okay... I guess I'm just hungry..." and I sat up, well, attempted to sit up. Fangs took my hand "no, princess, the doctor said you have to lay down. I'll go get you a small snack and a drink alright?" And he kissed my forehead.

(Time skip 5-10 minutes)
As I waited for Fangs, I scrolled through pinstagram and liked a few on Toni's posts and a few of jugs. Then I saw one from sweet pea... it seemed like the Wyrm had been raided or there was a fight... I called for Fangs and he came running in.
"Princess? What's wrong?" I sat up and threw on a hoodie and shouted "we need to go! Now!" And we ran out of my trailer...

As we got to the Wyrm, some on the serpents were injured outside, some were led on their own blood and on the inside, it looked like it had mostly collapsed...

I ran over to Toni, almost collapsing but Fangs caught me, whispering that I should have stayed home but I ignored it, I grabbed her shoulder and she span around.
"Toni? What happened? Why are people hurt?"
She started to cry.
"Hiram fucking lodge! It was him! Him and his goonies came in and started to destroy the place!"

I blacked out again, my anger obviously becoming too much for me to handle, but this time. I let it take over.

I once again woke up but this time I was on the pool table. And as always I just led there.

They all started to fill me in on their findings and that's when the news rang as a fellow serpent told us that Mustang, one of our own, had been murdered in cold blood...

And the Wyrm fell silent as we signalled our Snake Fangs to support the fallen serpent. My blood ran cold, knowing fully well it could have been my fault.

(Le end! Hope you guys liked this filler chapter! Recently, I haven't felt the urge to write as much and I haven't been reading and have been caught up on gcse revision... I love you guys! And I'll see you in the next chapter!

Serpents, out 🐍)

Fangs Fogarty- a serpents princess (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now