Chapter 24

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"Well Mrs. Jones you seemed to have almost fully recovered. But I do insist that your body get some rest. That you do not put strain on your arm or on your ribs. I will give you crutches, but I would like for you to come once a week so I can check on your cast .  I prescribed you some pain medication, because once the morphine wears off your going to feel the pain in your ribs. You might get headaches here and there, but that is only because your brain is trying to recover and heal it's self. Other than that you should be good to go. "

I smiled. I know. I'm a tough bitch! Of course I'd be good to go! 

"Thanks Doc."

He nodded and left the room. 

I sat there and watched Erik walk in.

I couldn't help but wonder why I haven't seen Dimitri. Why hasn't he come to see me?

"Hey you. " he said quietly. 

I smiled up at him.

"Hey there."

"How are you feeling?" he asked. 


"That sounds like you" he said chuckling. 

He looked down and was quiet. 

I started to get nervous because last time I was with Erik he had saw the picture of me and DImitri and was getting ready to leave. 

Which again brings me to wonder, where is Dimitri?

"You know.. I thought I was gonna loose you. I was so scared. I .. I didn't..I didn't know what I was gonna do. When I saw that car hit you..I thought you were dead for sure.. I don't know what I would have done if I would have lost you.."

I swallowed.

"Awh Erik, you sound like a chick flick movie, but I'm fine really! See? Living and breathing! I'm fine really! No need to go all sugar cookie with me ." I said nervously. 

He looked and smiled. 

"Well, you ready to get out of this hell hole? I know you hate being strapped down. "

Oh my gosh. You have no idea in hell balls how much I hate being strapped down . Seriously. Like I don't even think you understand. I'm just ready to get up and out of here and start with my life again./ 

Well sort of. 

That little voice in my head told me that I still have to deal with the Dimitri and Erik thing. 

Shut up self.  We can cross that bridge when we get there. I mean I already had my heart broken twice. That resulted in broken ribs and stitches and broken arm.

So I wasn't exactly warming up to face my problems just yet. 

I mean, well. How do you even really prepare you self for that.? 

Well anyways. Like I said. 

I will cross that bridge when I get there. 

Just then two knocks took me from my thoughts. 

"Hey Jonesy."

Annie. Stupid bitch cunt dick mother fucker ! She's part of the reason why I am in this hospital bed! 

She's the one who sent the picture , I mean I deserved it but still! She flirted with Dimitri! I thought she was some what my friend! Well at least that's the vibe she gave off in the bar! Fucking cunt ass bitch dick hoe.

"I didn't know they let dogs in. " I said calmy even though on the inside I wanted to tear her face up, Again.

Her style was different. She seemed more edgy. 

Damn people really do change. 

"Calm down Jonesy. I just came to see if you were okay."

Or see if I was alive. Bitch. 

"Yeah. I'm alive, just peachy. I was actually doing great, till I saw a little something that made my stomach's acids turn. "

She turned around and smiled at me.

"That's cute Jonesy. Really. I'm offened."

Oh how I wanted nothing more to get these cables out of me and stick them in her. Rip her fucking throat out. 

"Okay . Cut the bullshit out Annie. What do you want? Get to the point. Because I know for a god damn fact your not here to bring me a get well card, and some fucking flowers."

She turned on her boots. 

"True. That's not why I came here. "she said leaning on the bed frame. "I came to tell you. That I got my eyes out for Dimitri. He's quite the sexy one. You can have Erik. But, if you try to get in bewteen me or stop me from getting Dimitri, well let's just say shit isn't going to be fucking chocholate and roses." 

Is she threatning me? Oh that's rich! 

I smiled.

"Well that scares me . Considering I beat your ass once. But I'm not going to be teenagers about this babe. You can have him." I said smugly.

Her smug was wiped off her face. And she looked like she was going to hit me . Good. I like a little challenge. 

"You may have beat my ass once, but I won't you get off that easy again. " She hissed in a deadly voice.

 I smiled. Finally. This is what I'm talking about! 

"Well, if you say so. Wait till I recover and we can go a couple more rounds if you'd like. No seriously. I wouldn't mind." I said smiling. 

She glared at me like she wanted to rip the smile off of my face. Which only made me smile even more.

This was too good.

"You been warned bitch." She said getting up. She smiled again. "See you around Jonesy"

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