Chapter 19

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"Hey Erik I'm gonna go to the store and get us some beer."

Yeah I haven't had beer in a minute, That sounds nice. 

I was driving to the super market when I pasted by the cafe Dimitri works at. 

I glanced just a two second glance.

Then I slammed on brakes, and put the car in reverse.  

My mouth dropped . 

There right in front of me, was Dimitri flirting with Annie!!!!

OH no. Not on my watch. I parked the car and got out. 

I don't know what my body was doing or where I was going .

I walked right up to Dimitri. 

"Hey Dimitri." I said. 

I felt something nasty at the pit of my stomach. 

"Oh, hi Camilla." He said barley giving me a second glance. 

Um what?  Since when the fuck am I Camilla? I am Cammy? And since when the hell does he barley give me a  second glance? Especially when I'm in super hot skinny jeans!

"DImitri I'm ready for a table?" I said turning on my charm. 

"Uh yeah, the host stand is over there. " he said not looking at me. 

What the hell is going on ?!

"Yeah I know, but I was hoping you could give me a table. You always do pick the best seating's." I said smiling. 

"So DImitri how about we go to my place tonight?" said Annie smiling flirtasouly. 

I swear I could have almost ripped her face off in that very moment. 

"Sure, sweet cakes. " said Dimitri giving her that smile he only gave ME.

"Um. Dimitri? Can I have  a word with you? Over fucking here?" I said not giving him time to answer. I pulled him around the corner. 

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I exclaimed. 

He gave me a once over confused. 

"What are you talking about? I'm not doing anything.. I  don't think?"

"Yes! You're out there flirting with Annie!!!!"

"So...? "

"So's bad news dude! Trust me I know! "

Dimitri's eyes lit up with amusement.

"Why do you care who I talk to ? You made it pretty clear yesterday that you didn't want us.?"

I rubbed my head. I was really about to hit him. 

"I don't care okay! I just don't want you getting hurt!" I half yelled half whispered. 

"Hurt? Camilla I ..wait, are you..jealous?" He said giving me that half crooked smile of his.

Jealous?! Was he crazy?! Hell yeah I was fucking jealous! Yeah I'm admitting to it! So sue me!

"Jealous? What? No ? Of course not? Why would I ever be..'Jealous?'" I said feeling my cheeks turn red. 

Dimitri's smile widened, and my cheeks got redder. Fuck . Can he not smile at me like that? It's bad enough my body is a tomato, I don't need my heart doing summer saults to add to the mix.

"You are jealous! Your jealous! Admit it! You still want me! You still want us! "

"Pfft, Dimitri your talking nonsense. I see you as a friend . That is all. I love Erik. "

He smiled.

"So you keep saying. I'm just wondering, who are you trying to convince more? Me or you?"

"Me! I mean ..You! I mean never mind that. Bottom line is, you can't go out with Annie. She's a traitor and a back stabber, and just plain ole bad news. " I said crossing my arms stubbornly. 

"I can't or you don't want me to?" He said getting closer his eyes getting more serious. 

"Hey Dimitri do you want to drive me home? I left you a tip." said Annie rounding the corner. 

Oh shit. No . She can't take my I mean Dimitri from me! I panicked. and did the only thing that popped into my mind.

I grabbed Dimitri's face, and kissed him.

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