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"Seth you can't shut everyone out" Roman yelled as Seth shook his head sitting on the bed. He hasn't talked to anyone expect Roman since the whole drug test situation. Dean was very hurt because he even got shut out and they were supposed to be brothers just like him and Roman.

"But, why not?" He pouts. "For one, Sasha is trying to help you out. Dean is hurt and you're on the line of becoming a jobber if you don't call Stephanie back" Roman says as he shakes his head.

"At least talk to Sasha man, she loves you and she's fighting for you" He sighs. "Since when do you support me and Sasha being together?" Seth asks as he crosses his arm. "Ever since I saw that smile back on your face and stop pouting, you look like a little kid right now" Roman chuckles. "Whatever, I'll call De-" He was interrupted by his phone.

"Hello?" Seths asks. "Seth" She sniffles making him clench the phone harder. "What happened, Mercy?" He sighs. "Come get me please" She sobs. "Where are you?" He replies. "I'm in the dark alley behind the hotel" She cries as he tells Roman he'll be right back. "Stay on the phone with me" He says but, the line cuts off when he gets to the elevator. "Shit" He breathes out as he gets out the elevator and runs out the lobby doors.

He makes his way to the alley and he immediately spots her. He runs to her and scoops her up. "What happened?" He asks as he brushes her bright purple hair out her face. "I-I" She says before she sobs into the crock of his neck. His heart hurt just to hear her sad much less sob.

"Sasha, I love you alright? I need you to tell me what happened so, I can fix it" He says as she nods. "I was on my way to see Hunter to tell him what Sarah did to you" She pauses. "Then, I took my phone out my back pocket and my money flew into the alley so, I went after it. It seemed sketchy but, $50 is a lot of money to let blow away so, I grabbed it. Some one peered over me and punched me in the mouth. I was out, they wrote something on my hand" She says as she shows Seth.

'Stop now and no one gets hurt or another person may lose their title'

Seth shook his head in disbelief. He couldn't understand why Sasha was involved if they aren't dating. "But, you're not my girl, why would they pull you into all this?" He asks as he places her down on the floor. "I don't know but, I am going to go to Hunter right now" She said snapping a picture of her hand. She jumps into her car while Seth tries to stop her.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked as she gave him a dumbfounded look. "Hunter! I don't give a fuck about their empty threats. I have not done anything bad that they could leak. No nudes, no footage, not even a fucking photo of me drunk" She smirks as she looked into his chocolate brown eyes. "Sasha, I don't want you getting hurt" He sighs as he pushes back her hair. "And why not?" She smirks knowing what she wants to hear.

"Because I fucking love you" He states with an eye roll. "And I love you more so-" She was cut off. "That's the biggest lie I've ever heard in mt entire life" He chuckles. She pulled him closer to her lips. "Oh baby, it isn't" She breathes out as their lips finally touch.

"Can we be together again?" She whines. "I wanna be yours and I want to hug and kiss you in public. I want you to talk to people about me. I want you to myself" She pouts making him peck her lips again. "Sasha, what the fuck did we just do, we kissed in public, I talk to every one about you. And you're already mine" He smirks. "Now, go to Hunter and do your job!" He chuckles.

"I promise I'll get to the bottom of this"

712 words. 

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