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"You okay?" Sasha asks Seth as he can barely walk. "I don't think so" He says as he leans against her. "What was in that drink?" She mumbles as she leads him to his bed. "Don't worry, you don't have to go to RAW tomorrow" Sasha says trying to lighten the mood. "I have to, it's the drug test day" He sighs as he pulls her down to sit next to him. "Lay with me" He says as he wraps his arm around her waist. "Alright"

She watches as he falls asleep with an uneasy look on his face. He was in pain and it made her feel horrible. She rubs his face and plays with his hair. She rubs his stomach and soon the look fades.


"You guys ready?" Roman asks Seth and Sasha. They nod in response. Seth still was very sick. He was praying that he'd pass the test or he'd lose the championship and ruin his storyline with Mercedes. Roman drives them to the performance center and helps Seth stand. They walk in and go by order of last names.

Roman was first, Seth was fourth and Dean was seventh whole Sasha was practicality at the end of the line. They get results in an hour so, they go to a café to pass time.

"I need food" Dean chants as he rubs his belly. "Shut up" Roman sighs as they enter the store. They sit down and browse the menu. Seth starts shaking. "Is it just me or is it very cold in here?" He asks as his bottom lip starts to quiver.

"What's wrong with you bro?" Roman asks concerned as he takes off his sweater and hands it to Seth. "I don't know, after Sarah handed me that drink, I have been feeling weird" He sighs as he holds his head.

"Maybe we should take you to a doctor" Sasha suggests. "No, I'm okay, it's just a cold" He says laying his head on her shoulder. "We need to do something" She mouths to Roman and Dean as they nod in agreement.

"We should head back" Roman says as him and Dean stand up and leave the restaurant. "Are you sure you're alright?" She asks with worry all in her voice. "Yeah" He mumbles as he stands up. She sighs as she helps him walk out.


"If your name is called please step forward" Hunter states as everyone nods in agreement.

"Lana, Ron, Liv, Braun, Nia, Dana and lastly" He pauses with disappointment in his voice. "Seth" He says as he clears his throat. "You have all failed your monthly drug test, you will suspended for 30 days, that means Liv and Seth both will be stripped of their championships" He sighs as he walks away.

"No" Seth mumbles out as he runs out the room. "I'll go" Roman says. "No let me" Sasha says as she runs after him. "Seth?" She calls. "Sasha, I didn't do anything, I didn't take anything, I made sure of it! I was at the top, why me?" He cries as he engulfs her into a hug. "I'm so sorry" She said as she held the man who was sobbing in her arms.

"I'll find out what happened" She whispers as he sniffles and pulls away. "No, I don't want you to lose your championship" He says but, she just hugs him again. "I don't, I promise"

"Thank you" He smiles sadly and looks down at her. "Anytime two tone" She smirks making his sad smile turn into a pout. "Hmmp." He breathes out as he turns around.

"I love you" She whines as he turns around and kisses her cheek and they head back to their friends. "All good?" Becky asks.

"For now, yes"

630 words.

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