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"Seth" Roman huffed. "Yes brotha" He chuckles. "Where are you going?" He asks. "Home" He says. "No, we need to go out for dinner!" Roman says as he draws Seth away from the car. "Why?" He asks awkwardly. "I need you to show Sasha you're over her so, she'll leave you alone for good" Roman smiles but, Seth sighed. "I don't want her to forget about me" He cries. "No, no more crying" Roman says as he hands him a beer and guides him to the crowd. They get walk to the car.

"Hey" Seth smiles as he looks to see Xavier, Kofi, Mike, Tyler and Rusev. They engage in a much needed conversation for Seth. Tyler told them a corny joke but, Seth found it hilarious and hurled over but, his stomach turned at the sight.

He saw Sasha crying and Finn trying to calm her down. He watched Sasha hug him and cry into his chest. Finn whispered something in her making her chuckle. Seth was beyond jealous. What he saw next set him off. Sasha pulled away from the hug and kissed him passionately.

"Seth" Roman yelled. "Fuck off" He hissed. "Come here" He sighs as Seth hugs him tightly as the tears fall from his face. It pained him to see his best friend cry like this. Roman somehow turned his pain into vengeful anger. He pulled away from Seth and made him stand with the boys before bolting towards Finn and Sasha.

"Hey Sasha" He fakely smiles but, it makes Sasha smile brightly. "Hi!" She grins. He nods and turns to Finn. Finn gives him a nervous smile before he was met in the face with a punch that can knock you out. "What the fuck!" Sasha yells. Finn hasn't moved since he hit the floor.

"And for you! Don't talk to me, Dean and don't even think about talking to Seth. If i find out you do, pretty boy over there will suffer, got it?" He scoffs. She slowly nods as he turns to walk away. "What happened to us?" She cries making him turn around. "It died as soon as you chose that asshole over a real man" He smirks and walks off. She watched him fade off in the distance. He suddenly appeared with Charlotte, Dean, Becky and lastly Seth.

"Charlotte" She yells. Roman whispered something in her ear making her ignore Sasha. "Becky?" She yells again. Dean throws Becky a dirty look making her continue on her way.

That was it. She lost all her friends and now it was only her and Finn. She watches him start to stir up and get up quick.

"That's all you've got" He yells. "He's gone" She sniffles. "And so are my friends" She cries. He sighs and hugs her but, she gently shrugs him off. "I need to be alone right now, can I use your phone please?" She says. "Of course" He replies as he hands her his phone. She gets up and starts pacing. He wasn't paying attention so, she sent the last of the evidence to her self and handed him back his phone.


"You're so funny" Seth slurs as he talka to his new friend, girl friend. Sarah. He'd just met her and he already likes her. "Wanna hang out some time?" He asks. "Yes obviously" She smiles making him laugh. She encloses him in a tight hug and leaves the bar.

"Sasha, who?" Roman jokes as he high fives his best friend. "Thank you" Seth slurs. "Anytime" Roman chuckles as he helps Seth exit the bar. He drives back to the hotel and heads off to his and Seth's room.

"I miss her" Seth cries. "No you don't" Roman sighs.

"I need her"

627 words.

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