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Kathleen Melanie Seiton sat in the waiting room, waiting to hear from the doctor in the ER. She had already called Carolyne. She was pretty unclear on the phone, but Carolyne had understood that she was in trouble. Why did this have to happen tonight? She thought to herself as she recalled the events of that day.


I had been sitting on the couch for a long time. I felt my legs go numb, but I didn't care. My stupid brain was busy thinking about Matt, again. I sighed and closed my eyes as I remembered what had happened five days ago. I remembered every tiny, painful bit of running into him that day vividly.

I opened my eyes and stared at the phone in my hand. I had sent him numerous texts even after our encounter. I couldn't stop trying. It was Matt, after all. I loved him. I dialled his number, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to call him. What would I even say?

The place was so silent that I almost jumped a mile in the air when my phone rang loudly. I picked it up and whispered, "Hello?"

"Why're you whispering?" Alan said, whispering too. Then, he paused. "Why am I whispering?"

I laughed. "Sorry." I said, in a normal voice. "I'm home alone, and it's pretty silent." I continued, "What's up?"

"Are you free today? Because, if you remember, you owe me a date in New York."

"Oh, right!" I knew it was a bad idea, considering everything with Matt. Maybe, it will distract me from my overthinking. Maybe, this is what I need. Perhaps, it's just an innocent date. And, I had promised him, too. The last time he came by, I was a sobbing mess. He had been kind enough... Too kind. I couldn't back out. Shit. "I'm absolutely free. We could go to Corbet & Conley. It's a great place."

"Alright, awesome. I've left already, should be there in some time."

"Oh, um. I need to get ready. I might take sometime."

"Oh, all right, take your time. Call me when you're ready."

"Sure!" I said and hung up. I went, got ready and when I was done, I called him.

"Hey there!"

"Hey. I'm ready. I'm just leaving and I should be there in about 10 minutes."

"I'm outside your house, Kate."

"Oh?" I paused. "Oh! OH! Oh my God!" I hung up, took my purse and keys, and went outside.

There he was, in a black shirt and jeans, looking just absolutely sinful. Especially when he looked at me and smiled.

I smiled back and walked to him. "Nice surprise."

"What kind of a date would it be if I didn't pick you up? I'll answer that, a bad one!"

I smiled instantly. "Sometimes girls have to pick up the guys, too, not that I mind."

"Nah, I'm old school like that." He opened the car door for me.

I couldn't help but smile. He knew the exact thing to say. Plus, he was so sweet and caring. Not to forget, really hot.

I got inside the car. He closed the door and got into the driver's seat, and I chuckled. "How is it that, whenever we meet, you're always driving me somewhere?"

He chuckled. "I don't know, but next time, we'll walk."

Next time... Just the thought of that made something flutter inside of me. The amount of promise two words could hold.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2017 ⏰

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