"Ah here's the man himself. Captain James, delighted to have you back with us"

Molly felt her stomach drop when she heard his name, surely it couldn't be the same James. He was finished the last she's heard. Their eyes met as he greeted his section, an eruption of cheers and celebrations from some and groans from others filled her ears. This wasn't happening. Her gut tightened as he made his way down the line, greeting each of them personally. Molly and Brains exchanged equally confused and surprised faces "Fuck" she mouth in his direction.

"Good to see you James" he greeted her but was met with silence "Don't you have anything to say?" She swallowed the lump in her throat "It's Dawes Sir"


He hid the emotional turmoil he was experiencing well as he went down the line. There she was. His ex wife, the one who got away. The one he had completely broken. His emotions flipped between excitement and trepidation as he'd got closer to her, eager the fill the space between them.

How on fucking earth had this happened? Lane and Molly, in one morning, at the same barracks. You couldn't fucking write this.

"Good to see you James" he had spewed without even thinking of how it would make either of them feel, especially her. The horror in her eyes made it quite clear how she felt about that.

"It's Dawes Sir" she said with the same vacant state that Georgie had afforded him.

"Of course it is. Sorry Dawes" she was more beautiful than he remembered. Happiness suited her it seemed. He glanced at Smurf's ring around her neck,wondering wether it still lived on the string or had been moved to her finger. She had returned it when Charles had proposed to her, much to Smurf's annoyance. He hated to admit that it hurt him to see it hanging where his rings once did when she was in uniform, the symbol of their eternal love that now gathered dust in a safe at Royal Crescent.

She further shocked him by flashing him the killer watt smile he loved so much "Glad to see you back, Sir"

He felt all eyes on them, on him as he struggled to know how best to respond. He decided to move on and address them as a group again. They would have time enough to catch up once they both got over the shock.


Charles decided the best way to win round squaddies was to get the drinks in. He'd heard them discussing between themselves a trip to the local to welcome Molly back. It sounded like a good idea at the time considering Molly's mostly friendly reaction to him.

It took him all of 1.3 seconds to spot her. Her glossy dark locks framing her pretty face and tight jeans setting her figure off. She was dwarfed by her company - McClyde. Fucking McClyde.

"So Molly. I haven't had the pleasure of seeing you around before" she giggled at his obvious flirting. "Well I haven't seen you either but I've certainly heard your big trap round the barracks"

He laughed "Feisty, I like it! So you're with that little twat Smurf? I'm very sorry to hear that. You've must have done something really shit in a past life to be punished with that cock. If you ever feel like a real man Dawes, you know where to find me"

Charles watched from a far, filled with jealousy. Something he hadn't felt for a very long time tightening in his chest.

She threw her head back with laughter as Bones closed the gap between them, hanging on her every word.

"That's nothing Sir, she was married to Captain James an' all" Fingers shouted across the bar.
Molly gave him a death stare, he was definitely going to get a punch in the face for that one.

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