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Georgie heard her before she saw her. Her famous cackle and toothy grin lit up the mess hall as she lingered in the doorway with her stomach well and truly in her arse at this point but there was no going back now. She'd been spotted.

Fingers glanced between Molly and Georgie waiting... waiting to see who would make the first move and wondered if they should all suit up ready for the inevitable fireworks that were about to go off.

Georgie gave an awkward half smile and a quick wave to her former section whilst not taking her eyes off Molly. Who still hadn't spotted her and if she had then she was doing a bloody good job of pretending that Georgie didn't exist at all.

Brains cleared his throat as the atmosphere turned chilly. He'd had such great respect for Georgie but Molly had been 2 sections First Lady so to speak and she'd done nothing to deserve her husband and her mate shacking up together. He decided that she was most definitely pretending Georgie didn't exist and maybe that was the best course of action. After all, no one needed a fight or a court martial on the new Captains first morning.

"Come on then wankers, let's get this show on the road" she commanded with the entirety of 2 section following her towards the parade ground.

Molly walked slightly ahead, her heart pounding in her chest. "You don't have to take my side you know Brains. I know you were all fond of her.."

Brains shrugged his shoulders "It was just awkward that's all. I'll talk to her at some point, but I just want you to know that none of us agree with what her and that bastard James did to you. I'm glad he's gone. Twat!" She gave him a small smile, grateful for his continued support and loyalty but sick to her stomach at the thought of Georgie pissin' Lane being around again.


Charles was sweating bullets as he approached his office. He was finally back after his on going mental battles. He was happy and settled and after Becks resignation, he had been under a lot less pressure. He past indiscretions seemingly swept under the rug. He had to remind himself that he was born for this, it's all he had ever wanted and he'd sacrificed a lot over the course of his career including the most important people in his life over the years to be the Captain he is today.

A slender, dark haired figure that was fast approaching caught his eye, surely this wasn't going to happen on the first fucking day.

"Sir" Georgie greeted with a salute, Staring straight through him.

"At ease Lane. No need for such formalities"

She sniggered "Say's you who's calling me Lane"

Her attention was momentarily lost, her eye following Captain McClyde down he hallway.

"Friend of yours is he?" Charles said with raised eyebrows. "Something like that" she spat sarcastically with a smile that irked him. He knew full well what that smile meant.

"I'll see you around Sir"

He wanted to tell her he'd look forward to it. But he wouldn't, she was the painful reminder of the worst time of his life.


"Now two section. I trust that your new Captain will be met with the respect he deserves. Some of you may recognise him, he's worked hard to return from illness and injury and I expect you to make his transition back to work a smooth one" Molly couldn't help but roll her eyes at the Brigs words. Her last Captain had been a complete pleb too. A complete tool that none of the section really respected, she'd been glad to get called back to two section.

"And I can see you were all pleased to welcome back Lance Corporal Dawes this morning. She's now a permanent addition to the unit" Molly felt her cheeks flush.

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