If You're Moving On Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

Stiles takes the shoes from her and sits in a chair to put them on. While he's putting them on, his dad sits next to him.

"Your mom would be so proud of you. You've come so far," John says, tears in the corner of his eyes. "You're so wonderful."

Stiles looks at his dad with a smile on his face. "Thanks, dad. That means a lot."

John smiles back, pats his shoulder and stands up. "I better get going. Scott asked me to help him with something. I'll see you soon."

"Bye dad."

Now it's just Lydia and Stiles left in the room. In the next room, Derek and Isaac are arguing over his hair.

"It's fine the way it is," Derek mutters, batting off Isaac's hands. Isaac gives him a look, hands on his hips.

"A little more gel never hurt anyone," Isaac says.

"Uh, I don't care. I'm not putting that junk in my hair."

"You're not, I am," Isaac retorts. Derek glares at him. "Fine, whatever. No gel."


Isaac stays quiet for a moment, messing with the cuffs on Derek's sleeves. "How did you know you wanted to marry Stiles?"

Derek looks down at him. "I'm not sure. I think it was slowly over time, like little things that happened just made me realize that he was the one. And you just feel it, like you can't be without them."

Isaac nods, stepping back and doing a glance over of his work. "You guys are perfect for each other. I'm glad you're tying the knot."

"Thanks, Is. Maybe in a year or two our positions will be switched."

Isaac chuckles a little. "No way, Stiles will be the one to suit me up. Scott can have Lydia."

Derek laughs.

"How's it going?" John asks, poking his head through the door. Derek smiles at him as he walks in.

"It's going good. You'd have to ask Isaac how he's feeling," Derek replies as Isaac smooths down Derek's tie.

"Just because I asked one question doesn't mean I'm not great. I feel fantastic," Isaac says but then adds, "Of course, I'm a little stressed. I'm your best man after all."

"Speaking of best man, have you guys seen Scott? I was supposed to help him with something but I can't seem to find him," John says.

Isaac nods his head. "Yeah, last I seen him he was over by the altar but that was before Derek walked in here."

"I'll go check around more then. By the way, Derek, you look great," John says before he steps out of the room.

"Of course Scott disappears. He's probably planning some spectacular surprise that I'm not supposed to mention to either of you," Isaac says. Derek raises an eyebrow at him but Isaac doesn't say anything else about it.

After Lydia's done dressing up Stiles, she goes over and knocks on Isaac's door. Isaac tells her to come in and she simply opens the door, leaning on the door frame.

"Stiles is all dressed up, looking quite fantastic in his suit if I must say," Lydia comments, her eyes scanning over Derek. "You look quite fantastic two. You guys are seriously one hot couple."

Isaac shakes his head with a smile on his face. "Derek's done too. I can't wait to look back on all these wedding pictures."

"Let's get these two to the altar. I'm ready to cry my eyes out." Lydia fans her eyes like she already has tears in them. "I'll get Stiles ready to walk down the aisle."

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