Things in the Night

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"Fantastic. Just great," Stiles says sarcastically, glaring at his jeep. "Stupid freaking thing. Of course you decided to just break down in the middle of no where!"

Stiles lets out a frustrated yell, stomping his foot before he pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath.

"It's fine. You can just walk until you get service Stiles," he says to himself, looking around. It was getting to be pitch black outside, the clouds moving in to cover the full moon. A breeze rustled the leaves on the ground and in the trees. "Perfect."

Stiles began walking down the deserted road, not paying any mind to the shadows that danced beyond the trees or the howl in the distance. No, he wasn't worried about the footsteps to his left that snapped a branch. He didn't even notice when something darted across the road 500 feet in front of him.

"If I don't get back, there's no way I can study for that Western Civ exam I have in the morning," Stiles grumbles, kicking a rock. "Should've listened to Scott when he said it was a bad idea to go out. But no. I'm a stubborn butt."

Stiles is so lost in his own mind that when a wolf runs right into him, he glares at it and continues walking. The wolf stares at him as he goes before darting back into the dark forest. Soon, a howl echoes through the night air.

Stiles has been walking for ten minutes when he stops and checks his phone. Still no service and he's going to be too far from his jeep at this rate. He turns around, deciding it's better to just go back and see if he can fix it before getting himself lost on this long, twisted road.

By the time he gets back to his jeep, the wolf who ran into him earlier is standing by the driver's side door. Stiles gives it a confused look before walking right past it. The wolf growls at him but Stiles is too busy looking under his hood to be frightened by the growl.

It's when the wolf starts approaching him and growling louder that Stiles finally gives it attention.

"Bad dog, go! I'm busy," Stiles huffs, trying to shoo the wolf off. "I do not have time for this."

Stiles turns his back on the furry beast and turning his attention back to car.

"Why aren't you afraid of me?" a voice asks, sounding annoyed. Stiles wants to bang his head against a tree by now. Why is this night going downhill?

Stiles turns around, coming face to face with a man. "Werewolf? Seriously? I have worse nightmares about failing AP Chem. I don't have time to be frightened by you supernatural creatures."

The man doesn't say anything, just glaring at Stiles. Stiles raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Face it, people just aren't scared of you guys anymore. Now unless you are going to help me fix my jeep, I suggest you take a hike before I start screaming to the stars." Stiles stares at the guy, expecting him just to roll his eyes and walk away.

Instead, the guy pushes Stiles out of the way to get to his car.

"Your battery is done for. I could tell that as soon as you came down the road."

"Okay mister car expert, thanks. What's your name anyways?" Stiles asks, uncrossing his arms.


"Derek. Huh, well I'm Stiles and I'm stuck out here in the middle of nowhere." Stiles looks around but he can't see much in the darkness. "Any idea where I can get a signal?"

Derek huffs. "Find your own way back."

"Listen man, I already have a lot on my plate and there's no way I can just take a fifteen mile hike down the road. I have an exam in the morning that I need to study for," Stiles says. "I would appreciate if you could help me.

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