I Get to Love You

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AN: hope y'all enjoy this! Sorry it's taken a little while. Requested by NefilimMestiza37 ! Hope ya like it!

  Requested by NefilimMestiza37 ! Hope ya like it!

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One look at you; my whole life falls in line.
I prayed for you; before I called you mine.
I can't believe it's true, sometimes.

Derek looks over at Stiles and smiles, his heart melting as he watches him laugh at something Scott just said. With Stiles, things just feel so right and he can't help but fall for him a little more with every stolen glance.

Stiles catches Derek's eye, still grinning widely. He nudges him with his foot that's lying beside his thigh. Derek shakes his head, grabbing Stiles' ankles and pulling him closer to himself. Stiles lets out a giggle.

"Der, what are you doing? I was just teasing," Stiles says, trying to be serious and suppress his giggles but it doesn't work.

"Or were you trying to play footsies?" Derek raises an eyebrow at Stiles. Stiles grins, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Take it as you please," Stiles winks at him then busts out laughing, looking over at Scott's horrified expression.

"I, uh, told uhm Lydia that I would hang out with her today, yeah. So, like, bye." Scott gets up from his spot on the floor and almost jogs out of the living room, leaving just Derek and Stiles in the room.

Derek joins Stiles in laughing, Stiles clutching his stomach as his face turns a shade of red. Once the laughs have subsided, Stiles wipes his eyes and looks a Derek, biting his lip to keep himself from grinning.

"God, I'm so lucky to have you. You're a blessing," Derek says.

This time, Stiles doesn't even try to keep himself from grinning. He leans up from his spot and places a kiss on Derek's lips.

"I love you."

I get to love you, it's the best thing that I'll ever do.
I get to love you, it's a promise I'm making to you.

Derek regrets taking Erica with him to the jewelry shop. He wishes now that he would've taken Lydia but then again, did he really want to risk that?

However, to even out Erica's slightly over-the-top attitude, Derek also brought Isaac which wasn't really any better. Isaac is a sucker for the cute dramatic stuff.

"You should get this one," Erica says, pointing at a golden ring with a ring of diamonds. Isaac scrunches his nose and looks away.

"No, I think he should go with this one and get Stiles' name engraved on the inside," Isaac offers instead. Derek gives them both a look.

"Guys, I know I wanted help with this but it's like you guys don't even know Stiles," Derek says. "He's a simple person and he wouldn't go for your ring Erica or yours Isaac with a huge diamond in it."

Isaac shrugs. "Guess you're right. He'd probably go for this one though," Isaac points at a simple silver band with a black ring around it, "Put your own little touch on it with the pack symbol or something."

Erica gives Isaac a shocked look, which Isaac returns with an eye roll, while Derek nods in thought, titling his head back and forth as he thinks it over.

"I think he would like that. Something simple, yet unique to him or us for that matter," Derek says. "Good job Isaac."

Derek orders the ring and leaves the shop with the two following behind him.

"If one of you spoil my surprise, I swear you will not live to see the next full moon."

Isaac and Erica exchange a wide-eyed look.

"You got it pops," Erica says.

Whatever may come; your heart I will choose.
Forever I'm yours, forever I do.

"Derek, where are you taking me?" Stiles asks, holding on to Derek's wrists so he doesn't trip. "Did you really have to cover my eyes? I'm going to fall to my death."

"Trust me, I wouldn't let anything like that happen to you," Derek says. "As for where I'm taking you, you'll see."

Stiles groans but Derek just smiles, nodding to the pack members as they give Derek a thumbs up before they hide behind trees and a giant bush in the backyard. Derek watches in amusement.

He told the pack that if they wanted, he would film it but no. The pack wanted to see it first hand and to cheer when Stiles said yes. If  Stiles said yes.

Derek leads Stiles into a circle of lily petals, knowing Stiles thinks roses are a cliché flower and wanting to make it a little bit harder to guess what flowers to get him. Derek had a fun little time with that when they first started dating, a bunch of trials and errors but Stiles still appreciated them all the same. Really, he almost viewed it as a game.

"Don't move and don't open your eyes until I say so," Derek says, slowly moving his hands away from Stiles' eyes. He moves to stand in front of Stiles and gets down on one knee. "Okay, open them."

Stiles opens his eyes and gasps, staring at Derek before looking at the beautiful ring in the velvet box. Tears welled up in his eyes, making his vision blurry as a smile grows on his lips.

"Stiles Stilinski, you are the most amazing person I have ever met. You were the one to make me feel true happiness after the fire. I've never felt a true smile until you came along with your ridiculous bright eyes and the dumbest puns that made you shine like the sun," Derek pauses to take a deep breath, looking up at Stiles' face, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, if you will let me. Stiles, would you marry me?"

Stiles nods his head quickly, a hand over his mouth before he throws his arms around Derek's neck.

"I will," Stiles says, his voice thick with emotion. "My god, I will."

The pack jumps up from their hiding spots with a cheer. Lydia grabs some confetti she had in a basket beside her and throws it in the air, the wind causing it to fall over the newly engaged couple.

Derek wraps his arms tighter around Stiles, holding his whole world closer to his chest.

It's a miracle that Derek found Stiles and there's no way he's ever letting him go.

The way you love, it changes who I am.
I am undone and I thank God once again.

They say love is a journey, I promise that I'll never leave.
When it's too heavy to carry, remember this moment with me.
I get to love you.

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