Chapter 18: Home Again

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Suzie's POV

I woke up on a bed, on a boat, on water, heading home. The last thing I remembered was my seeing Logan standing in front of me or something and then . . . nothing else, until the boat that was. 

The paramedics told me to rest but of course I refused. How in the world could I just lay down in bed without knowing what was going on outside? I shuffled outside with a blanket draped over my shoulders. It was quite chilly for a summer day. 

"What happened?" I asked as I approached Marianne. 

She looked up with sadness in her eyes. When she saw me all traces of sorrow left her eyes.

"Oh, well, we had a fight . . . with Psycho Man. He's still on the island for all we know." she watched the water peacefully. "But I don't believe he'll stay for long."

I raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"He wanted to play a game with us. And I don't think he's going to give up that easily on his little game," Marianne shook her head. "Of course, he won't know where to find us . . ." she sounded as if she were uncertain about that.

"Are you alright?" I asked suddenly.

"What? Oh, yeah. I'm just sad that so many were lost in the storm."

Her words struck me like a rock. "H-how many?"

She sighed, "I think . . . thirteen."

I choked on my own saliva, "Thirteen? Are you sure about that?"


"Who," I pressed.

"I think he was one of your friends," she said softly, "his name is Paul I think."

"He . . . ?" I couldn't help but let out a few sobs. Then those sobs turned into a coughing fit.

"You should rest, Suzie," Marianne said. 

"Then I'll rest here," I replied. 

Logan's POV

"Are you Logan?" one of the rescue team members asked me.

"Um . . . y-yeah, why?" I stammered.

"I believe this is yours." he handed me a sketchbook—Lily's sketchbook—flipped to a page which was all soggy. I could just barely make out mermaids.

"Th . . . thank you," I squeaked as I rubbed my hands over the soggy and crinkled page. I smiled at the memory of the two of us laughing before the storm came. The storm that led to all of this. When I turned the page, I noticed something written on the back. Something like a heart and . . . my heart ached. I put my fist to my mouth to stop myself from making a terrible sound as I cried. Written on the back of Lily's last drawing, was one simple sentence that could change someone's life. I love you Logan. "I love you too," I whispered, as I hugged the sketchbook to my chest—a memory of my one and only friend. Or really, the girl that used to be my one and only friend. I looked at the four people who were just stranded on an island for days with me. I knew none of them could ever replace Lily, but at least they could help mend the hole in my heart. 

Justin's POV

I felt like the luckiest person alive when I reunited with my twin. 

"I missed you," I said through tears after we were done hugging.

"I missed you . . ." his voice cracked before he could finish, "I missed you too."

We both laughed for no apparent reason for a while. It was the best feeling. I was so excited to see my parents again. But when there's good news, there's usually some bad news too in a story. And what I had just gone through seemed like a story. After laughing like idiots, Julian's smile faded. 

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