Chapter 1: The Storm

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What happens when a field trip goes wrong and five teenagers are stranded on an island with a psychopathic killer...?

Suzie's POV

I smiled as the cool breeze hit my face, blowing my hair behind me like I was in a movie. My best friends, Kaitlyn, Paul, and Nyla stood beside me, enjoying the view. Most of my homeroom was there on the boat, relaxing and enjoying ourselves. Some people didn't want to come and others weren't allowed. Thank goodness Kaitlyn could convince my parents to let me come or I probably would have been at home being bored to death.

Ever since my dad's incident, my mom became overprotective. And by overprotective, I mean overprotective. And yes, I did say Kaitlyn convinced my parents, as in more than one parent. Well, my mom got remarried about . . . I think four and a half years after the incident A.K.A. two years ago. It took me a while to get used to him (Martin, my stepdad). At first I didn't exactly like him because he didn't smile. But then I realized it was because he was just nervous I wouldn't like him, and me not talking to him made him even more nervous. So I gave him another chance and I accepted him. He proposed to my mom-of course asking my consent before he did-and they got married. Happily ever after. Yay.

Nyla nudged me, I turned my head to look down at her, "What?"

She didn't say anything, instead she just pointed out towards the horizon. I cocked an eyebrow at her. What did she want to say but wouldn't say? Eventually my friend gave up.

"Look," was her only word after two minutes of me not understanding her. And immediately I understood.

Logan's POV

My friend Lily stood beside me. The both of us leaned against the railing and looked out at the sea around us.

"Isn't it beautiful?" she asked me.

I nodded, "Sure is."

We stood in silence for a few moments, listening to our classmates chatting. Lily, of course, broke the silence. "Do you want to have a mini art competition? Right here, right now?"

I grinned, "You're on." we both took out our small sketchpads from our backpack. Neither of us can last a day without our sketchpad with us.

Lily and I both flipped to a blank page and started to draw. Our goal was to use our imagination to spice up what we saw. I drew the boat we were on and added party lights. People were dancing, all dressed up.

"Done!" Lily and I shouted simultaneously. We both threw our heads back and laughed. Not because we finished at the same time, but because of our drawings.

I said I drew everybody all dressed up, but I didn't say they were dressed up fancy. I actually drew them with goat horns and disco clothes. Don't know why I added the horns, just felt like it really. Lily's drawing was full of mermaids and mermen. Some were flying in the air around the sun, others soaring in the sky with birds. Others were hanging on to the boat. We laughed for maybe a few minutes before Lily spotted something in the distance. I followed her eyes and I gasped.

Justin's POV

Being the stereotypical jock kind of person in school made me into a jerk that I didn't like. But I figured that going on this trip with my brother and our friends, I could fix that. I already fixed my relationship with my brother. But our friends, not so much. Only one of them actually forgave me for my behaviour, Tyson. Ahem, my behaviour being mocking people, pushing them around, making rude jokes, stuff like that. Tyson was my friend since kindergarten and we managed to stay in the same class for every school year except for grade five and grade eight. Otherwise we were in the same class. I was pretty surprised that he'd forgive me though. My behaviour lasted for most of the school year up until last month, May. Then I had realized I was making a huge mistake with my life and I should stop trying to act cool and just be myself. So I did, except my other friends found it hard to forgive me.

Parker and Carter were laughing together at the head of the ship. When they saw me coming they stopped and rolled their eyes.

"Guys, can I talk to you?" I asked nervously.

"Did you hear something?" Parker said to Carter who shook his head with a tight expression.

I sighed, "I'm serious guys. I don't want to ruin your trip. I don't want to ruin mine either. But I'm afraid it has to happen or I might as well just jump off this boat right now because neither of you will forgive me for my previous wrongdoings."

Carter stepped towards me. "Look, Justin, we want to forgive you. But as much as we want to, it's hard to do so because you hurt us. You made fun of my sister. Not only that, but you repeatedly did that, even after I told you to stop. You were a bully and my sister still hates you for that. She hated me for a while because she knew you were my friend. Until I asked her what was wrong and she finally spoke up!" Carter's eyes were wet.

I tilted my head downwards, "I'm sorry."

"Yeah, well sorry isn't enough."

Parker put an arm around his buddy, our buddy. I was not going to let them leave me. I had to clear things up so we could enjoy the rest of our field trip.

"I know I've been a jerk, a complete moron. Anything you want to call me. But I'm really sorry, I regret everything I have done. I apologize from the bottom of my heart to your sister, Carter. To everyone I hurt. From strangers to family to everyone. I never wanted to hurt anyone, except this role I thought of myself as got the best of me. I'm sorry."

Carter wiped his eyes. Parker clenched his fists. I prepared myself for a punch in the face. Instead, I got a big fat hug from my two best bros.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I let go of my friends and saw my twin, Julian.

"Um, guys . . . I hate to break you up, but you might wanna look over there." he pointed outwards at the horizon.

"Holy crap, what is that?" I asked.

Parker staggered on the boat, "I don't wanna die, not today . . ." and he fell into my arms.

"Mr. Bart!" I called. Our homeroom teacher came to us. He was about to help Parker when he nearly fainted himself.

Everyone crowded around my little group. The air was filled with gasps and exclamations.

"Everybody hold on!" I shouted, staring nervously at the gray storm clouds racing towards our boat.

Thunder clapped, the boat shook. Lightning struck the water. There were screams, tears, hugs, goodbyes. I let go of Parker and locked eyes with my brother and we hugged, probably for the last time.

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