Chapter 3: Enemies

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Logan's POV

I admit, almost drowning on a school field trip during a massive storm is probably the scariest thing I've ever been through. But I'm grateful I didn't die. Except my surviving that storm was probably just pure luck. This chunk of the boat fell off so I hung on to it and it ended up carrying me to an island. Well, maybe not right next to the island, but close enough. I was actually helped onto shore by Suzie and Justin. Apparently both of them had survived, including Marianne, and Cassedy. I wasn't all that happy that Justin was here, after what he did at least.

Ever since we were little, Justin, Julian and I were the best of friends. But this school year, Justin changed. His brother was fine, but Justin . . . he was being such a bully. And long story short, we don't talk anymore. Whenever we see each other in the hallways we don't even say Hi. Instead I just bow my head and he looks away. Such a healthy relationship, huh?

But back to the present. The five of us survived the island and we had a serious discussion. Okay, more of an argument. Cassedy was fighting with Suzie because Cassedy was complaining about her clothes being ruined. Meanwhile, Marianne and Justin were fighting because Marianne really hated him. Also because of his jerk-ish behaviour.

Marianne's POV

I thought Cassedy was the only other person who survived. Thankfully Suzie appeared from out of nowhere and I was really relieved. Then Butt Face had to come and crash the party. That bully. I gritted my teeth when I saw him and tried to ignore him. And he, for some reason, decided to play nice by trying to "apologize" for bullying me. Ha! Good luck with that.

After a few minutes of the silent treatment, we heard someone shouting. All of us looked out at the sea to see Logan, stranded on this . . . thing. Suzie ran out to save him, being the helpful person she is. Then Justin had to go too to try and be the "hero" of the day I guess.

When they carried him to shore we all just started talking. And that's when all of us started arguing. Except Logan.

"Of all the people, you just had to survive, didn't you," I muttered angrily at Justin.

I actually didn't intend for him to hear it but I guess I said it too loudly.

"Excuse me?" he said angrily.

"I said, of all the people, you just had to survive."

"Oh, so that's how it's gonna be. I mean, you don't have any friends anyways so you might as well accept the fact that I'm alive."

And that's when we started getting physical. I mean, a boy and a boy fighting is normal. A girl and a girl fighting is also, not really, kind of, normal. Whereas a guy and a girl? Well, you don't see that often. Yes with siblings, but acquaintances from school? When the two of us started fighting everyone else shut up.

I slapped Justin in the face and his eyes widened before he pushed me to the sand. I gritted my teeth and kicked him hard in the shins. Maybe a bit too hard, but who cares. He tumbled to the ground and yelled in pain. I snickered. When I got up—which took a bit of time—Justin got back up and pounced on me. Now, I do not, absolutely do not, want to imagine what this must've looked like from the others' point of view. From my point of view, let's just say it was painful. When Justin leaped onto me like a big bear I immediately punched him in the face. He then pulled my hair and that made me really angry. I mean, yeah, it was just a really hard tug. But I guess it's just the fact that I hated his guts that made me angry. I started pounding my fists against Justin until he grabbed my wrists and the fight stopped.

I panted, "What, you give up?"

"Yes, I give up. I understand you hate me for my—"

"Hold up!" I shouted, "I am not going to accept your apologies so save it."

After that I stormed off angrily to, I dunno, explore the island I guess. Anything that could let me get away from him.

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