Party Scenes

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"All the writers keep writing what they write
Somewhere another pretty vein just dies
I've got the scars from tomorrow and I wish you could see
That you're the antidote to everything except for me, me"

Taylor sang to her tunes, as Karlie Kloss flashed a million dollar smile as she walked down the runway, with all the confidence that she never even knew existed. She was sporting just a piece of lingerie, that showed off her toned abs and flat stomach. And the wings were just a welcome addition. At the moment, she was exposed to owners of multimillionaire companies and fashion designers that had shows all around the world. And in an hour or so, even the whole world would be acknowledging her walk, when the videos would leak onto YouTube.

Taylor on the other hand, went with a British patriotic look, a Union J outfit with the British flag imprinted on it. It wrapped around her perfectly, enveloping her small waist and the gown that touched the ground was absolutely perfection. She looked very cute when she had put on the small hat, it looked absolutely adorable. And the heels were looking amazing, they went along with the look very well. But of course, it was for the British Invasion part of the show.

As she walked down, she could feel Taylor's hand brush against her. Yes, the girly moments they were supposed to work upon. Karlie smiled and continued the walk, as she let go of Taylor's hand after giving her a megawatt smile.

Taylor could easily be mistaken for a Victoria's Secret model, had she not been singing. Her body was practically a wonderland; teenage girls worked to attain such a figure but to Taylor, it was natural.

She could feel Taylor's eyes following her as she reached the end of the ramp, smirking and flashing her teeth.


"Oooh.... Look! Cara is making out with Michelle again!" Lily pointed out to Taylor as they were drowning in their drinks. The after party had commenced, and the entire class of 2013 had been invited to the success bash.

Taylor scanned the room, for Karlie. She must've been busy conversing with the other models while Taylor was poring over drinks and brooding about her exes to Lily.

"Shots please." Taylor ordered the fourth round. The bartender seemed taken aback, but it did not matter to him in the slightest for he had seen the likes of Kendall Jenner and Miley Cyrus get drunk in the very same bar. He put in two shots in front of them, as he tended to other customers as well.

Taylor was just about to pick up her drink, when she found that it had been snatched from her.

"What the fuck?" She got up from her seat to see who had the guts to actually stop her from having a merry night.

"No more for you." Karlie said slowly, probably because she knew that Taylor was too drunk to keep up with her words. She looked down on her small figure (well, smaller than her). Taylor's eyes met Karlie's for a moment. Karlie broke the gaze, as she pretended to look around the room for Josh.

Lily had already passed out in her high chair while Alessandra and the other models were busy with their boyfriends and girlfriends.

The truth about high profile parties : that's where all the secrets are entrapped, where everyone is someone who had made mistakes. People in this room were not at all afraid to be what they are : gay or otherwise for they knew just enough about the opposite person to land them in trouble of paying an alimony worth millions of dollars. Most of the people kept mum, paid the paps had they been discovered, and even sometimes slept with the editors of a gossip magazine to ensure that none of their secrets were let out. People were prepared to do anything and just everything to prevent themselves from being called names in public or rather, people pointing out their flaws. That's what celebrities are paid for - to make people believe that perfection in the way of life exists and to create a state of disillusion in the mind of an opposite person.

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