Richtofen X Reader

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The photo is not mine. First request for @silentlynurse I hope you enjoy!  Sorry it's short.  Also, you can give me a specific situation if you want.  Next will be how you meet the boys!
The sun rose over the horizon, making you blink a few times.  You had stayed up for watch duty since you wanted to let the others get sleep.  All of them protested, one of them more so than the others. It was the doctor. To your three comrades, it was obvious that you liked each other, but neither one of you had realized it yet. You planned to confess to Edward today in front of everyone, but that would be after you slept.

Walking into the small home, you noticed everyone but Edward was asleep. Your sluggish steps caught his attention quickly. He ran over and caught you before you could fall to the floor, falling asleep in his strong embrace.

When you awoke again, yelling could be heard from the other room. "D*****! We shouldn't have f****** let her take the night watch!" Dempsey exclaimed. You looked down and saw a bandage around your stomach. Odd, you didn't remember getting hurt during watch, but remembered the injury you got the previous day.

"I tried to stop her, I noticed zhere's vas a vound. Vhy didn't I just say no und pull her into zhe infirmary?" Richtofen questioned himself, feeling guilty. You got up from the bed and winced, feeling the pain course through your torso.

Taking a wall for support, you walked out to the front room, seeing all eyes land on you. Edward was the first to stand and rush over to you. "Liebling, are jou alright?" he questioned and checked the bandaged area.

You shook your head and wasted no time, grabbing his collar and pulling him into a passionate kiss.  Richtofen's eyes widened before he kissed back and wrapped his arms around your waist.

Cat calls sounded in the room followed by "Get a room!" from Dempsey as he teased the two of you.  The both of you pulled away with dark blushes and large grins.  "About time the two of you got together!" Dempsey yelled exasperatedly, followed by nods from the others.

Richtofen shrugged and gazed into your eyes.  "Dempsey's right," he said and grabbed your hand.  Dempsey acted as if he was dying of shock from what Richtofen said.  The doctor rolled his eyes and held his arm out to you.  "Come, liebling, let's go find a room."  You took his arm gladly and found yourselves in his room, laying down and cuddling on his bed.

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