I missed you

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"Mommy can you help me"
Veronica carefully blended the cake misture hoping to do one successful task as a mother, lately it seemed like no matter how hard she tried she couldn't provide what her 4 year old son Noah needed, she was alone but she had always been a strong woman and now a strong momma also. She dropped the spoon that she was using on the kitchen counter, clearly overwhelmed and directing her full attention to her beautiful baby, not before passing the back of hand on her forehead leaving little tails of cake misture.
"Yes sweetie" she said, her hand being immediately grabbed by Noah who dragged her to the living room where an huge pile of unfinished Legos stood. The boy rugged at her hand signaling for her to sit down next to the constructions where he also sat in front of her.
"I can't figure out how I connect this two parts" the boy pointed to the instructions and then to the two pieces that they seemed to left out of the instructions, a frustrated look crawling up on his face. She smiled to herself, discovering the exact way of doing it, she had always been extra smart, something that she was never recognized for.
"Sometimes you just have to
Ignore the instructions and do it the way your gut tells you too Noah" she said as she plucked the two pieces together in one swift movement "here you go honey" Veronica caressed his cheek sweetly earning a genuine laugh from him. She though of going back to the kitchen, check the cake, but she decided otherwise. She removed her hair from the bun that it had been in earlier and switched her position to a more comfortable one, her eyes struggling to stay open, the sleepless nights alone now catching up to her.
She admired her son and a smile filed her face, the way his brows furrowed due to his level of concentration reminded her of his father so badly, his soft pale face and ginger hair making her mind wonder to Archie every time. He looked just like his dad and her pregnancy was unexpected but also the best moment of her life, Archie had always been there, holding her hair when she vomited, massaging her feet, singing her songs, reassuring her that her body was still amazing even if it had been completely destroyed by an human being that they both considered to be the brightest and most wonderful human being in the world, their Noah. He was a constant reminder of him, of the love of her life, and she couldn't describe or even understand the love that she felt for Noah, she would give her life for him to continue his, after all she carried him in her womb, inside her petite body, and Archie found that the most beautiful thing about her, that she had given him one of the two best things on his life. Archie saw Veronica in his little boy, her intelligence, her kind heart, that was his dream, having a family with her. Her smile quickly faded away again, her glance moving from Noah's face to the window where the snow fell quietly in New York. They had moved there after high school, where Archie went to NYU and Veronica to Yale, they both pursuing their dreams, Archie ended up getting a law degree and Veronica took over the lodge company and turned it around. Archie was now in Afghanistan, it was one of their saddest days when Archie arrived from work about a year ago and told Veronica about the recruitment, Noah listening to the conversation through his bedroom door, contrary to the usual Veronica didn't cried, not in front of their kid, she saved it for later when late at night she broke down in their private bathroom and Archie came to her rescue holding her tight on his arms ignoring all the questions, he trusted her to take good care of their son, he knew she was the baddest woman on the planet, he knew she was the baddest mom on the planet.
Fred came by every week, having dinner with them and making sure Veronica was doing good, he knew she wasn't but he tried his best to distract her knowing the pain that the situation was causing her, usually talking about how great of a mom she was and how she was doing a good job, she knew that with Archie she would do better, they always were the greatest team.
Betty and Jughead came by more often, Noah absolutely loved them and the two lovers loved him equally. They both admired Veronica so deeply, how she kept a smile on her face every time Noah was around, how she told him stories about her and his dad, how she never cried, she had never shed a tear in front of anyone all the past year, she only cried alone in bed at night, Archie's sweatshirt wrapped around her body, sometimes Noah curled up next to her, he had been her best buddy during the past year, he kept her company and all they had was each other, when he was in school she would head to the office and choke herself in work until she went to pick her baby up from school and do it all over again.
"Mommy" the sweet innocent voice called for her, her eyes immediately shooting open, her maternal instinct coming to life
"Yes baby"
"I think someone is at the door" the alarm sounded on her head, protect her kid was the only thing in her mind so she jolted up hoping to get to the door first but Noah using his athletic features and beating her to the door
"Noah wait!" She said but her baby was already way ahead of her, the front door already open when she reached it.
"DADDY" the boy screamed jumping to a mainly figure dressed in Camo that almost made her faint, she was shocked, she couldn't manage to produce a logical sentence, she wanted to scream, cry, laugh.
"Champion I missed you" his voice was more deep that usual but there were still traits of the innocent teenager that sang to her on his dad's garage, his muscular arms wrapped around their baby, his feet far from the floor and his face buried on the crook of Archie's neck, they red hair blending together.
The kid repeat as if he was tried to make sure that his dad was real and wasn't going anywhere as Archie placed him on the floor, taking his similar face in his hands.
"I love you Noah" he spoke now using a more tender tone, Noah smiling from corner to corner him turning around running to Veronica and grabbing her arms, trying to change her face from the shocked one that she had.
"Mommy dad's home"
"I know darling" she spoke, noah running back inside, the two adults left alone at the door way. She searched deeply into his eyes, the same eyes where she loved to get lost in, his perfectly chiseled jaw formed a slight smile, inviting her to run to him, just like their small bean but the only thing she was able to do was cover her mouth with her right hand, silent tears starting to fall.
"Archie?" She questioned, still unsure of everything that was going on, his cheekbones perfectly shaved and his hair longer that when he left.
"I'm back" he said, reassuring her that he was real, he was back to take care of his family. Her heart exploded and she ran to him jumping in his arms, her legs around his torso and her arms around his neck her head deep buried into his chest as he inhaled deeply her scent again, feeling every inch of her, her beautiful body and her beautiful selfie.
"I missed you so much love" he muttered into her head as he held him tighter afraid that he would ran away and she would be forced to live without him again. She connect her lips to his, feeling his warmth agains her again, the goosebumps and the butterflies at the top of her stomach feeling all to familiar but still so distant. They pulled away, huge smiles on her faces as he put her down.
"Noah is all grown up" Archie sadly commented as Veronica quickly understood his sadness for missing a year of his life
" he looks just like his dad" this immediately brought a smile to his face, the though of having his baby look up to him and look like him making him proud in a way that only him could describe. Noah appeared back in the door frame smiling at the sight of his parents arms wrapped around each other, and he ran to them, hugging them both.
Veronica and Archie smiled at each other, they were back together, Noah had is dad and Archie was finally able to held Veronica again at night, there was nothing more that they could ask for.

Hey guys, this was my idea but I will only continue this book if you send me ideas for the next one shot so please send me what you to see and I will make it happen

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