'' Fine, I'll help too, '' she mumbled, sighed in defeat and opened a book too.

I happily smiled when I wasn't working by myself anymore and continued taking down notes. We were doing the work a lot faster now that they were both giving a hand. Chanyeol wasn't the most studious person, so he fell asleep after another half an hour, but I appreciated that he at least try. Differently from him, Miyeong was actually really smart if she bothered to try. The problem was that she usually preferred to keep the image of being an airhead. Once she really concentrated there was no stopping her and it didn't take long before she got annoyed by my own stupidity and slowness and told me to just keep myself entertained while she finished up the group project on my own.

I was a little offended, but I still let her do the work and started typing on my phone instead. Miyeong silently elbowed me all of the sudden and made me look away from the screen. She gestured at the door of the library and I instantly spotted Baekhyun. He was standing there with some books in his hands and looking around with an emotionless expression on his face. All of the tables had at least two people already sitting there and he seemed to be hesitating and wondering who to join. Once his dark eyes grazed our trio, he started walking in our direction right away.

'' Are we the least annoying ones in the whole library? '' I asked and smirked in amusement when he sat down on the opposite side of our table.

Baekhyun seriously nodded and murmured: '' Something along those lines. ''

Miyeong leaned against her hand and curiously wondered: '' What are you doing here? Did you get dropped by the rest of your group like us? Did you at least make some money off it? ''

'' I always do the group projects by myself, '' he quietly answered and opened one of his books. I was looking at him in thought and I didn't miss the sadness that appeared in his voice when he spoke of other people. '' It's easer that way than to rely on other people. I am at the top of the class, so they expect me to do the work anyway. ''

Miyeong shrugged and looked down at her book again. '' Can't relate. I am definitely putting my name first in the presentation and purposely misspelling everyone else's. ''

His black eyes moved towards me and he watch me search through his pencil case. I smirked when I found a black marker and looked at the still sleeping Chanyeol. My eyes evilly shined and I started drawing a nose and whiskers on his face. Baekhyun shook his head and seriously said: '' I see why you two get along now. You are secretly just as childish as he is. ''

'' I'm not childish, I read interior design magazines in my free time, '' I protested and pointed at him with my marker.

Baekhyun narrowed his eyes and prepared to say something in response, but he was interrupted by Miyeong, who lightly hit my arm and ordered: '' Go get me a book that we need for the presentation. ''

I made sure to sigh as loud as possible before I got up and strolled between the shelves of the large library. Baekhyun watched me walk away, then he slowly got up too. This was our first attempt at setting up a trap for whoever was after Miyeong and I. It started with me getting accused of cheating during an exam, but after she was blamed for a breakup between a popular couple at school and talking about a bunch of people behind their backs, we knew that the stalker had to be a student at this university. They were targeting me in a way that made me think their crimes were Baekhyun's fault, so he hid between the shelves, while I pretended to look for the book that Miyeong told me to find.

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