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(I know Mariah left hi5 but I'll always count her in the family so yeah)
Y/n P.O.V
"As Goldie Locks ran away from the bears house she learned a very valuable lesson." I stated as I closed the book softly.
"Okay guys what do you think Goldie Locks learned?" I questioned softly to the kindergarten class.
Almost every hand flew up into the air as I smiled scanning over the room.
"Kaitlyn?" I said giving her permission to speak.
"I think she learned not to go into someone's house without permission." Kaitlyn said softly.
"Great answer." I said as I walked over high fiving her.
"Anyone have a different answer?" I questioned as I scanned the room seeing a couple hands up.
"Tommy?" I said allowing him permission to speak.
"I think she learned to not go out with out an adult." He said shyly.
"Amazing answer." I replied giving him a high five.
"Any others?" I questioned as no one else had their hands up.
"Ok guys why don't you go get your towels and place them down for nap time." I said as they ran out to get their blankets from their book bags.
I heard a light knock come from the doorway. I looked up to see Mariah standing their in her Team Edge shirt.
"Hey hon." I said as she walked in.
"Hey babe." She said in a hushed tone so the kids wouldn't hear.
"Whatcha doin here?" I questioned as I hugged her and she hugged back.
"Just came to help with the class. Matt gave me the rest of the day off because I was hit in the head with a nerf dart." She explained.
"Ooo are you ok hon?" I questioned as the children started to walk in.
"Yeah I'm fine but you know Matt." She said with a chuckle.
"Mariah?" Asked a boy named Tommy.
"Hey Tommy!" She said as she embraced him in a hug.
Most kids knew her since she worked on YouTube and she loved them all so much. Such a kind caring soul. As she helped others get their towels laid out for nap time I sat at my desk where a little boy name Louis would come and sit next to me during nap time.
"Hey Louis."I said in a soft voice.
"Hi." He said back with a small smile.
He was a very shy boy who I've been trying to break out of his shell for a while. I've tried to arrange parent meetings but he begs me not to. I wonder why, sometimes I'm really worried that maybe his home life isn't great other times I feel he's trying to keep a secret.
I stood up as I realized everyone was asleep and I was about to go grab so papers from the printer.
"Where are you going?" I heard a quiet voice say.
I turned to see Louis sitting up looking over at me while rubbing his eyes.
"Im just going to grab something" I said in a hushed voice.
"C-can I come?" I heard him stutter out.
I looked back at the little boy and I couldn't say no to his little eyes.
"Sure." I said as I took his hand and we walked out of the room quietly.
Once we started to walk down the hallway I heard him sigh. I looked down at the little boy who was smaller than the others as well as quieter, didn't eat as much, and sweeter.
"Honey I have a question for you." I said sweetly as we turned into the room where the printer was.
He nodded his head as I crouched down next to him.
"Why won't you let me schedule anything with your parents?" I questioned in a calm voice.
He looked down at his shoes then looked back up.
"Because my parents are different from other kids parents." He said quietly so only I could hear it.
I nodded my head.
"How are they different?" I questioned raising an eyebrow.
"Because other kids have a mommy and a daddy... I have two dads." He said quietly again so only I could hear it.
I couldn't help but smile.
"Honey, they aren't that different at all. They love you don't they?" I questioned and I watched him nod his head.
"They love each other right?" I questioned watching him nod again.
"And you love them correct?" I questioned watching him nod his head.
"See the only difference is gender and guess what... it doesn't matter what gender you are if you love somebody so much that you can look past gender I believe that is true love." I said with a smile plastered on my face.
"But what if the other kids think I'm weird?" He questioned softly.
"Well their gonna have to think I'm weird to I guess." I said with a small smile.
He looked at me confused.
"You know Miss Mariah?" I questioned as I watched him nod his head.
"We are getting married soon." I said with a smile as I watched his face light up.
"Really!?" He said excitedly.
I nodded my head.
"And guess what?" I asked.
"What." He responded.
"Nothing is ever normal. Their is no such thing as normal. If anyone picks on someone for Love or passion then they have never felt love or passion." I said with a smile.
Louis nodded his head as he hugged me.
"Now can I schedule that parent meeting?" I questioned as I watched his head nod.
"Okay" I responded as I got the copies and walked back to the room with a sleeping Louis in my arms.
~Parent Meeting~
I sat at my desk as I awaited Louis and his parents to come walking through the doors.
"Hey babe sorry I'm late." Mariah said as she came running in.
"Your fine honey." I said as I pecked her lips gently.
As she sat in the chair I saw two men come walking through the door with Louis.
"Hi." I said with a smile as I stuck my hand out to shake hands.
"Hi" they said as they shook my hand and Mariah's.
"Im Louis' teacher and this is my soon to be wife Mariah."I introduced as we sat down.
They smiled at the mention of wife.
"Well hi I'm David and this is my husband Ashton." Said one of the men.
"The reason that I wanted to have this parent meeting is just because Louis isn't a very social little guy." I said as I moved some hair from my face.
"Yeah, we've been trying to work on that." They said looking at each other.
"But he does like to help out so that's good." I said with a smile.
The man named Ashton smiled.
"I'm sorry Im about to get off topic to thank you." He said as he smiled.
"For what?" I questioned.
"Louis' comes home almost everyday with a smile on his face because of you, he says how you two talk about movies and how you don't ignore him and you just make his day." Ashton explained.
My heart warmed up so much.
"He's a really special little guy." I stated as I wiped a tear that was about to fall.
Mariah handed me a tissue as I dabbed a few tears away.
As we talked to the men we were slowly becoming friends. At the end of the meeting we exchanged phone numbers and went our separate ways.
"You make that little guy just as happy as you make me." Mariah commented as we walked out to the car.
I looked over at her and smiled as she kissed my cheek.
"Come on shorty we got a wedding to plan." I said with a chuckle as we reached the car.
As I opened the door 3 words came out of her mouth that made me know that she was the one I wanted and was going to spend the rest of my life with.
"I love you." She said as we got into the car and she kissed my knuckles.
"I love you too." I responded as both of us were a deep shade of red as we drove home.

Boom update. Okay I know how inconsistent I am with updating its about to get way more inconsistent because ya boi starts school tomorrow. I will be trying to get another chapter out on each of my books before it gets to hectic so keep an eye out. Also if you want a part two to this chapter comment! Okay see ya in the next book. Peace.

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