"Happy, I have a request for you guys." Natsu says to the exceeds. 

"What is is?" Happy questions him. 

"Search the ship for the source of it's power and destroy it." He says to the exceeds. 

"It'd be a problem if it started flying again." Happy remarks. 

"Understood." Carla says calmly. 

"Leave that much to us." Lily says to him. 

"You too Cynthia." I tell her and she nods. 

"I'll cast troia on you just in case." Wendy says to the fire user. 

"Let's get this party started!" Gray says as he creates an ice staircase leading up to the ship. We begin sprinting up the stairs as the exceeds do their own job. 

"He's a wizard on an even higher level then our master. We're going to go all out from the start, at the same time" Erza informs us, making sure we know the plan. 

"Right" Wendy says in confirmation. 

"I'll give him every last bit of my power I have." Gray says, showing Erza that he understands. 

"We don't have time to think of what would happen afterwards." Lucy says to us, showing us that we truly have no idea what is going to happen. 

"I finally get to punch this guy." Natsu says, getting excited at the thought of an other battle. 

"Is that all you care about?" I question the pyromaniac.  To answer this, he grins widely. 

"I'm all fired up!" He says as we get closer to the top. Natsu jumps over the ledge that leads him to the ship, us trailing behind him. "Hades! Tast the power of fairy tail!" We hear Natsu yell out. Erza, Gray and I jump around the flames Natsu had created. 

"Black wing: Moon Gleam!" Erza yells as she sends a shock wave of magic towards Hades. 

"Cold Excalibur!" Gray says, creating an ice sword. 

"Ice and water dragon rose whip" I yell at him, casting a combined attack with my two main magic, creating a water whip with ice thorns. We couldn't tell if he hit him, since he just stood there. We landed on the other side of him, watching Lucy take her turn. 

"Gate of the golden bull, I open thee: TAURUS!" Lucy yells out, taking out her powerful key. As soon as Taurus exits the gate, he strikes down at Hades with his battle axe. 

"Magically enchant everyone's attack power, defense power and speed: Arms, Armor, Vernier!" Wendy says as she casts her supporting magic. Erza, Gray and I begin to strike with our magic weapons. 

"Annoying brats" Hades mumbles as he creates a whip. He uses it to trap Erza and knock away Gray. I use my whip to hold him down as Natsu comes above him. 

"Fire dragon wing slash!" He says, landing the hit on Hades. Using the chain again, he swings Natsu away from him. Erza cuts the chain as I make the whip disappear. 

"Go Natsu!" Gray yells at the boy, creating a type of springboard for him. 

"Music dragon upgrade: Arms, Vernier, Armor." I cast with my other magic, since an attack from me would be fruitless. 

"Sky dragon ROAR!" Wendy casts to help Natsu. 

"Scorpio" Lucy summons as he uses his sand buster. This boosts Natsu even more. 

"Fire dragon SWORD EDGE!" Natsu yells out as he strikes Hades, sending him flying back. The air seems to stand still as we wait to see what happened.

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