Chapter 11

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Dick Grayson pov

"Bruce, I know the risks of bringing in someone of that family, but you need to trust us, trust me" "Dick, I know the pain that family has caused you. I know what it feels like, but you know she might've been sent by Kevin to spy on you and take down Artemis" "Bruce. listen to me for a few seconds. You know that Kevin killed her parents right, why would she work with the killer of her parents? Ok, so think about it, she never knew who killed her parents and Kevin was too focused on me that he never crossed paths with her." "No, you know what I'd say about that.." "No Bruce, I'm talking anymore, Artemis and I had already come to a conclusion. We're adopting her and that's that. I'll see at the watchtower tomorrow. Good night." I end the call before Bruce could respond and sigh as I rest against the couch. Bruce really didn't like the idea of me and Artemis adopting Mel, but with all that she's gone through, she needs people to help her, to take care of her, to love her. And to be honest. I feel we are perhaps the closet she may have now. No one knows if she's alive, her family is all but gone, with Kevin being the only other known member alive. She was currently sleeping in the spare bedroom. Artemis had already gotten ready for bed and well. I guess I should think about doing the same thing. Getting up. I walk out to the bedroom to see Artemis sitting in bed, her bedside lamp on, reading a book. She was reading the Harry Potter series and was currently on the fourth book, the Goblet of Fire. Mind, I remember reading through the series when I was at Wayne Manor and those books were old, but they were in good enough shape to not fall apart. I walk over and Artemis looks up and smiles before she speaks. "How'd Bruce take it?" I look at her before getting ready and reply. "Not well, I'll talk to him again tomorrow when I take my shift on the watchtower." Artemis smirks before she begins to read again. I sat down into bed and picked up the book I was currently working through. I was reading The Lord of the Rings, the Two Towers.

The next morning was busy, but I had said my goodbyes to both Artemis and Mel before I headed to the zeta tube. I take a deep breath before I enter and step out on the watchtower. Bruce was standing there next to Diana before Bruce looked at me. He wasn't happy about what me and Artemis had come to decide. "Dick, we need to talk" I eye down Bruce before I over and speak. "I have nothing to say about what Artemis and I decided. And by the looks of things, neither Alfred or Diana have any problems with it" "Her cousin killed my daughter Dick. That son of a bitch killed my daughter." Diana was fast to place a hand on Bruce's shoulder and speak. "Bruce, it's not your fault, it's no ones fault that he did so. You need to let go and remember that she'll always be in our hearts and memory." Bruce looked down. I still remembered Carry, the nightmares had left but I still remembered that night so many years ago "I know Diana, but it still haunts me." I felt bad, I should've never let her join us on that mission. But things happen and Kevin proved he was much deadlier then once before, but he hasn't been since then and I fear that he may have started planning his next move with my father and Sportsmaster. "I believe we're done here then Bruce, I'll be getting to monitor duty then" I walk off while Bruce and Diana walk away.

Artemis pov

I walked with Mel by my side to a graveyard. As we reached a grave. Mel read what it said. "Here lies Carry Prince-Wayne. Loving daughter of Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince." I bend down and place some flowers down before Mel speaks. "I didn't know that Bruce had a daughter" I get up and turn to face her. I take a deep breath before I reply. "He did, but she died one night on a mission with Dick and members of our old team many years ago. They had gone to bring in Kevin. And when things had started looking in their favour. He shot her and fled with three other criminals, Leaving us in shock and a state of sadness. But that's a story for another time. Right now, I have another persons grave to visit" I start to walk along and Mel follows shortly after. After sometime, we arrive at the grave of my mother. I get down and place another bunch of flowers on the grave before I speak. "I miss you mother. I know your proud of me and with how far I've come. I love you." Getting up, I wipe a tear away form my eye and then start to walk back home, Mel running to catch up.

Dick pov

I open the door of the house and sit down on the couch, a long day on the watchtower on monitor duty was energy consuming at times and today felt like that, not only did I have to argue with Bruce through out the day over who to send on a mission, I had to deal with the fact that Clark was attempting to convince me to have Mel become a hero and join the team. I was against the idea unless she wanted to herself. Then, afterwards, I went and signed adoption forms for Mel before coming back here. Artemis walks in with Mel not far behind and sits down next to me. Mel stands and looks around before I speak. "Well, Mel, I have good news to tell you, even if Bruce doesn't like what me and Artemis have decided." I could tell that Mel was now curious as to what I had to say. I look at Artemis and she finishes for me. "You've been adopted Mel, by us" I could tell that she was happy to have a family at last. Now it was a matter of what she wanted to do, become our protégé or live life as a normal person. "Welcome to the family Mel, or as I should say, daughter" She was happy to hear that from me. And was overjoyed. I smile before I get up and speak. "I've got to get some rest. Today just killed my energy, that and being reminded by how much Bruce is mad at the fact that his daughter was killed by Kevin. I'm going to have that nightmare again." I walk off, hoping that all was going to go well....

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