Chapter 9

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Artemis pov

The next day was sunny. I got out of bed to see Dick was already up and making breakfast. And by the smell, it appeared to be my favorite. He knew me too well. As I walk into the kitchen, I speak. "Is that my favourite breakfast meal being cooked Dick" With a smile from Dick and a quick glance at the frying pan, I could tell it was. "You know me all too well Grayson" Dick smiles before he serves up breakfast and sits down next to me. "So, I've already made plans for tonight Arty, what do you want to do this morning" I had to think for a few seconds but I thought of something. "Well, we could, you know, go for a walk, spend time together, maybe visit our favourite spot" I watch as he smirks and replies. "Ok Arty, you got yourself the morning planned out. So let's get ready"

Dick Pov

That night

Artemis didn't know it yet, but we were headed to our favourite spot again. I had already asked Oliver for permission to marry Artemis considering that he was closet thing to a father that wouldn't attack you on sight that she had. As came to a stop. I got out and opened the door to Artemis before we started to walk. As we came around. Artemis looked at me and then smirked. "Back here again Dick, we were here this morning remember" The place was under a tree, close by the edge of a cliff. A lone park bench sat under the tree. The only source of light that came was from the lone park light that stood close by. "I know, but I had made plans to come here afterwards. But I did have something else planned to this evening." I stop walking and then look at Artemis. She looks at me with a confused look on her face before I get down on one knee and then speak. "Never before have I ever met someone so beautiful and deadly in my life. From day one, I knew that we were destined to come together, and now, I wish to complete that." I pause as I pull out a small green box and then hold it up. I continue as I open the box. "Artemis Crock, will you marry me" To say that she couldn't contain her excitement would be an understatement, she was over the moon as she said yes and hugged me. Off course. Bruce had to ruin the moment with a call. "Dick, can you please respond." I sigh in annoyance as I pick up the comm. When I reply, Bruce could tell that he had interrupted something. "What is it Bruce that you had to call now?" When Bruce replied, he replied fast. "I was calling to remind you that the League's recruitment day was tomorrow and that both you and Artemis are invited. Are you sure you want to reconsider you decision?" I look at Artemis and think for a few seconds. "What do you think Artemis, should we reconsider and join the League or no?" Artemis thinks before she replies. "We can give it a go, you never know, we might find it fun in the League, not only that, but you know, when we have our own child, they can join the team." I smirk and then respond. "We'll be there Bruce, just remember not to give us the same treatment you did at the hall before the team formed." Bruce knew full well what I was talking about and I guess, he didn't want to have a repeat of the same situation as he ended the call. Turning back to Artemis, I speak. "Now then, where were we?"

Wally pov

The next day

The team was watching the news. Bruce had called ahead to say that both Artemis and Dick were joining the league, the news reporter stood at the front of the crowd as Batman stepped forward and began to speak. "Greetings, As Superman is currently off world with Supergirl, I have been asked to step forward" The team notices the glare he gives Wonder Woman. She had forced him into this spot. "Over 8 years ago, we made it our mission to help those can't help themselves. We formed on the basis that we would respond when asked and when threats far greater then the government can handle, such as alien invasions, extra dimensional demons and the common supervillain are upon us, we are there to help. Thus it is that I welcome with great pleasure to the League. Seven new heroes." As the reporter looks on, she speaks. "What a great speech from The Batman. But now, let us watch as the heroes welcome in their newest members. Batman shakes hands with Nightwing, his former partner and Robin. Green Arrow following suit with his former protégé Artemis. Batman then hands out member cards to The Question, Jason Blood, Atom Smasher, Steel and Vigilante. The world, is a much safer place with the League watching over us." We continue to watch before Aqualad breaks the silence. "They did it, they made it into the League." The rest of us nod and watch as the screen goes dark.

Nightwing pov

Looking at Artemis, I nod and we walk to the zeta tube with the rest. Soon. We exit on the Watchtower. The massive glass windows that revealed space and the planet below us. The rest of the League welcomes us with open arms and, out of the corner of my eye, I watch as Bruce and Diana have a small chat. It was obvious that Bruce didn't volunteer to make the speech by choice, it seems that Diana may have forced him into doing so. Something which we can all relate too at some point in our lives. "welcome. We are glad that you could join us, please, make yourselves at home here. We'll find a mission for you soon." I smile as Artemis holds my hand. This was a good day, but yesterday was better....

Third person pov

Far from Earth. On the fiery hell like world of Apocalypse. Darkseid sits and plans his invasion of Earth. With Vandal Savage out of the picture, nothing would be able to stand in his way, not even Superman was ready for what was coming. But not even Darkseid knew what was coming to there universe. Something came. And this God comes to reclaim something of his. Something that would allow him to finally reclaim yet another item of his. For his Gem of Shadows was locked away. And if he were to reclaim it. He would have to flatten down all those who stood in his way....

Threats of futures pastTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon