Chapter 4

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Unknown pov

The boy was bound to fall under my wing soon, it was only a matter of time. But he was resistant. I'll have to be more persuasive. But what would be the best option, revealing my identity to him now won't do any good, it'll only serve to drive him more so mad then what I want him for. But if I torture him, no, it won't work. Or will it. I don't even want to attempt to find out. What other options do I have that'll bring him in under my wing, perhaps faking the explement of that archer Artemis from his precious hero team might do the trick but how would I do such a thing. I've got it. I'll just have to fake her death so that he'll break enough that I may be able to bring him under my control. Yes. Now with a plan. I walk out of the room. No one was safe from my cunning intellect, no one, not even Luthor or the Brain could match my intellect. At least, that's what I like to think.

Artemis pov

This had been a tough day. Dick had run away and was now far form Gotham, but he couldn't have gotten far. The whole League and team was looking for him. They knew that Robin had vanished, but they needed to find him. The League knew who Robin was and were looking for Dick Grayson, while the team, Batman and a few league members were looking for Robin. While they were the same person. The team needed to know that Bruce Wayne's ward is the only thing that'll continue to fund the League and by extent, the team after Bruce dies. But they have no idea what will happen afterwards when Batman vanishes. All I know is that this was going to be a long night. Lying down in bed. I think about Dick. It was true that I loved him, I missed him and wanted him back, but he was long gone and may be dead by now. And him being dead was not something I wanted to think about. As I was think, my comm started to buzz. Groaning, I answer. "Artemis here" The voice that came though was not what I expected. It was wallys' voice, but he sounded worried. "Artemis, Bats wants you out here on the edge of Gotham now. And you, may want to uh, be ready for a sight" When I placed the comm down, I was fast to get up and place my gear on before I ran. I ran as fast as I could to the location. Upon arriving. The sight that greeted me was not a pleasant one to say the least. There was Blood on the ground, a photo of what appeared to be Dick's family was among the dirt covered in blood. There were several foot prints, each appeared to have blood among the prints. But the one thing that caught my attention, was the ripped cloth and bits of dark hair and Dick's sunglasses, broken and cracked, on the ground among the blood and dirt. Bending down, I pick them up and feel tears in my eyes. Wally was fast to support me as I broke down. "It's okay Artemis, he can't be dead, Rob's much tougher then he looks" I knew that from experience but still. The thought that he could confirm he was dead was not something I wanted to see right now. "I've gathered what evidence I can form the scene, I'll begin scanning and analysing it back at the Batcave, in the meantime. Wonder Woman, get Artemis back to the Manor" As the only people here were Bruce, Wally, Diana and I, Bruce was fine to say Manor. I was going to need a long night of calming down if I was to be ready to help search if Bruce found anything in his detective work...

Robin pov

I slowly opened my eyes to the sight of blood on the ground. The smell was horrible and least to say, my sunglasses were gone, meaning that whoever had captured me knew who I was now and planned to do something with me. Looking around, my eyes had trouble adjusting to the light but once they had, it was easy to see where I was. The room was square, it looked like a perfect place to remain hidden from the outside world for a while. A bench was fitted against the far wall while the only source of light in the room came from a small, dim globe. The door had four tiny holes about the size of the eye, each was square in shape and the light that came through them helped to luminate the room more then it already was. I could hear the sound of guards talking outside, thus I could assume that I was in some sort of prison complex. But who would arrest me. I also noticed the feel of stone, wet stone, like you would find underground. The lack of fresh air also confirmed that this complex was underground. But where it was, was unknown even to me. A creak could be heard as the door was opened and someone walked in. He blocked most of the light coming in from outside but he closed the door behind him and then brightened the room, revealing much more. He appeared to be around 6ft tall, he wore dark armour with a helmet. The helmet had a small slit revealing his eyes which were blue, much like mine. He had a cape on his back coloured in a dark green. His amour was a dark grey, so dark that it was almost black. He had a sword on his belt in a holder and had a shield on his back. So he took inspiration from medieval knights. I also noted that he held a small screen. When he spoke, he spoke in a deep voice, but it was friendly in a way and sounded familiar but muffled by the armour. "Are, Dick Grayson, I have a small video showing your friends leaving a certain archer behind without knowing what would happen" As he finished, I looked up as he started to play the video.

Artemis ran to catch up to the bio-ship but was caught by a blast by something. The team looked on and Aqualad spoke while Superboy held Wally back. "We'll come back for you Artemis" As the Bio-ship took off. Someone approached Artemis and pulled out a gun. The figure aimed the pistol at her head and pulled the trigger. Killing Artemis.

I felt a tear run down my face as the video ended. He knew who I was. When he spoke, he spoke with care and pity for me "I know how that feels Dick, it happened to me, but your team, they left her to die, they are the ones responsible for it, you can take revenge on them, all you have to do is join me" Looking down. He understands me. That was not something you find everyday. But I guess, not everything was how it looked. But Artemis was dead and it was the teams fault. I guess the figure knew that I needed time to process the information and left. Leaving the lights bright so that I could find my way to the bench. I needed to think, what have I done, what do I do now. Does Bruce know about this or does he have no clue. I guess fate does come to you in a different way. Because I never expected my lifes end to begin like this....

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