Bendy The Devil Darlin'

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Hey guys! Im slowly getting better so no more updates about this! Instead right now im gonna give you another chapter, Enjoy!

Bendy POV
Alice again was acting weird.... But why! She loves me right?! Did I do soemthing wrong? And then it came to me,

I havn't been spending any time with her... It's been about 2 weeks until I saw her today and she... well...

I dont like to talk about it...

I lifted my hands to my face, one was glovless whilst the other was covered by a white and suprisingly clean glove,

Thats when... I had an idea

Henry! He collected everything for the ink machine to work, if I could get back up there then I could change myself to that lil' ol' devil, that everyone loved, with that cheeky smile!

And then!! Break out of the studio! And buy a house because people will surely recognize me... Right?

I headed up the stairs ignoring the broken lift, I was even too excited to remember I can teleport through wall's

As I got higher I heard a recognizable sound,

The projectionest...

Me and him wern't to keen on eachother, or maybe I was'nt to keen on him,

He was reaching out for the miracle station, I ran up to him and punched the top of his hard metal head

He punched quickly back at me, and that, made this demon angry, I punched him again and the same thing happened, he punched me back, grabbing the back of my head and pulling it towards him,

I grabbed his kneck and pulled him off of his feet and tightening my hand, until, BAM, he was dead,

I yanked off his metal head and through it at the miracle station, I got closer to it thinking I saw two white eyes, I shook my head and walked off dragging his body behind limping at every step I took

Once I got to the higher leval I was stuck,I through the projectionists body across the room, I was only a floor away from the ink machine

And then... I saw a wolf I thougt Id never see again

"Boris?!" The wolf's head slowly turned towards me, his eyes were the same cute shape, he was wearing the same ol' overalls too

He trotted over towards me and then coward back when he saw... Me, I sighed, everyone is scared of me, terrified, people may think I want that, but I dont...

I went towards him and he started shaking rapidly, I patted his head scruffing his fur up, he looked up at me and then started smiling, I smiled back at him


He said shakily

"Yeah, it's me, Bendy, how are you alive? Aren't you dead because of, lets just say, demonic Alice"

"I guess im a, clone who survived, but, I remember our past together, we were best friends and you had a massive crush on Alice, by the way, how is that going"

I frowned inside of me, since I couldn't frown outside of me

"Well, we are together... Remember we had kids... That... Died... But yeah, we are together but, shes mad at me..."

He tilted his head slightly, and then put a thumbs up, I loved Boris, he always understood me...

"Watcha' even doin' down here bud?"

"Im trying to, well, lets say cure me, the way I look... And then, escape this studio..." I looked at him and he looked back

"I know, it sounds inpossible but... I think we could do it, it's just, I can't get up from this floor to the very top"

He looked at me sharply,

" first, you are great the way you look, secondly, we will find away up here and get you to your normal self, thridly, it's not impossible to get out of this studio, all we need to do is open the door, right"

I gave him a brighter and happier smile and nodded and already Boris was running off somewhere

I tried to follow him but, THE DAMN LEG I shouted in my mind, but he already came running back with a step ladder,

He pushed me towards it telling me to climb up, It led me to the continuouse thingy that went up, (you know, the hall that is like a chimney but gows upwards, ughh, im so bad explaining)

That's not going to work buddy, it only leads me to the chimney thingy,


He passed me these sharp rocks and I stabbed one into the wodden wall, I pushed myself up and again repeatedly did the same thing, until, I layed one foot on to the top of the floor and again pushed my body upwards and landed another for beside the other foot, I got up and looked down,

I saw Boris climbing his way up, faster than I did "He's fit" I mummbled jelously

"Showoff" I said to Boris, he smirked and started running to the ink machine gesturing me to follow him,

I limpered towards him and he was standing next to the ink machine,

I already knew what I had to do, I got under the big whole thay was continuously dripping ink

I pulled a thumbs up with my glovless hand and he turned it on,

The next thing I saw was black ink running all over myself, it started to slowly clear up, I looked at my hands, I still had one glove on my hand but the glovless hand, wasn't messy at all

I placed my hand on my kneck, feeling the bow tie I once wore, I looked down and saw my shiny black shoes, the only thing I was still thinking about was my face

I looked down into the black puddle of ink and again once saw my cheeky devil smile and cute little eyes, I turned to Boris and he was holding a glove

"Here" he said as he placed the glove in my hand, I smiled at him as I put it on and,

I was once more...

Bendy the devil darlin'

I hops you guys enjoyed that, im gonna update soon for the next chapter! Love you all, and a_random_gal77 is back in buisness!!

Bendy x Alice My devil darlin' [[COMPLETE]]Where stories live. Discover now