Chapter Thirty-Six

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Queen Asemdi was a bit shocked when her triplets, clad in their ceremonial gowns, returned without their eldest sister and her guard in tow, despite informing Aveline of the fruits and vegetables on the table in place of their traditional Weequay sausage and Geonosian eggs.

"She didn't seem even the slightest bit interested?" She asked her three girls as the queen sat in her traditional seat at the head of the table, fork in hand with a piece of sliced fruit sticking to its prongs. "Would she eat something if we brought it to her chambers? Like last night?" The woman placed her utensil back on her plate and sat back in her chair when Jordae, Nata, and Cyndea just shook their heads.

"She said she would be present for the ceremony, though," Nata spoke up before her mother could get to her feet for a visit to Aveline's suite herself. "She promised that her and her guards will be present."

"Her droid was helping her with her outfit as we left," Jordae added quickly at her side. "She said that she'd meet us at the arena before the ceremony begins." From the way their eyes avoided her direct gaze and how their hands twitched ever so slightly at their sides, it was clear to Asemdi that her children were not telling her something. A glance over to Agnacia on her left told the queen that she and her sibling had noticed the same things.

"Alright, then," Not bothering to finish the food she had left, Asemdi rose to her feet. "Prepare my shuttle. I grow impatient for today's festivities."

"As do I, sister," Agnacia followed her actions before turning to the triplets, who stood with their hands clasped behind their backs and their eyes practically glued to the floor. Still addressing the queen, "I sincerely hope Aveline has managed to keep her wits about her today," The woman walked around the table til she was standing right in front of the three, forcing them to look up at their aunt. Their blood ran cold and the hair on the back of their necks stood up.

"We wouldn't want her dishonoring the gods in the arena."


"I don't like this plan," After alerting General Skywalker to their need of transportation and where they were headed, the commanders had explained the details of what they had in mind to put the wheels of their mission in motion. Needless to say, it was apparent that he didn't quite approve of their idea. "But it sounds like something I would do."

"That's all we needed to hear, sir," Commander Rex replied. "Just be ready to pick us up if things go wrong."

"You mean when things go wrong," Anakin retorted from the pilot's chair. He could see both of them in his peripheral vision, but, more importantly, he could feel them through the Force. Something had changed between them. Albeit, something small. But still a change, nonetheless. Both commanders seemed to have grown used to each other, a little more relaxed. Dare he think it, the sensations he felt between the two bordered on warmth.

And that made him inexplicably happy.

"I don't know about that," Commander Rino smirked, shifting her gaze from one man to the next. Despite having her face covered by another one of Twar's official masks, it was pretty easy to tell the expression beneath was a little cheesy yet mischievous. "I think we've done a good job convincing them we're locals." He'd only glimpsed at the attire of his two commanders, but the fact that they were nearly matching aided in his giddy mood as well. Sure, they'd both worn the standard armor of the clone armies before, but this was different.

This was his oldest clone companion becoming closer to the one woman in the galaxy, in the universe, who would understand him completely for who he was, for what he fought for and stood for and would give his life for. This was an opportunity for Rex to look forward to the end of the clone wars instead of wondering what use he'd be once they were finished. Sitting in a chair only a few feet away was Rex's potential future, his potential forever home. 

So, yeah, Anakin was excited they were wearing matching outfits.

"Let's just hope it's been enough," Rex's hands fidjetted anxiously with the blades attached to his belt; he was aching to have his blaster pistols back. But, according to Twaran sacred law, blasters were not permitted in the sacred arena under any sacred circumstances. It was a sacred pain in the ass.


They arrived at the Twaran temple at the center of the city, where a massive arena had been constructed for the gods a millennia ago. Forty stories high, the sandy, carved stones pierced the desert sky and could be seen from hundreds upon hundreds of kilometers away. On the outside, the circular establishment appeared harmless, even beautiful in a way if you admired the intricate art carved along the exterior walls. They all knew the inside was going to be a completely different story.

"Alright, we'll be back to pick you up as soon as we complete our half of the plan," General Skywalker said from the ship's docking bay as Molindi, Rex, and Axel began their walk to the arena's entrance. "If things go the way they're supposed to, we'll be back on Kamino in less than twenty-four hours."

"Sounds good, General," Rex responded with a nod as Molindi led the three down the docking ramp, Axel walking second and Rex taking up the rear. But before he could follow the other two soldiers off the ship, he felt a hand grab his leather-clad shoulder for a split second and was suddenly face to face with his superior. His eyebrows furrowed in concern and confusion. "Sir?"

"How's it going?" The Jedi asked him in a hushed tone, glancing every so often back at the two who'd already left the Twaran vessel as if to make sure they didn't hear him. Rex didn't know how to respond when he had absolutely no idea what the general was referring to. Something told him it wasn't about the mission at hand, but there was no way of knowing for sure.

"You'll have to elaborate a little more, sir."

"You and Commander Rino," He stressed quietly, as if it had been so obvious before. "How has it been with you guys? Any sparks with, what's her name, Melinda?"


"Yes?" Both men jumped at the sound of the female commander and her squad member standing at the bottom of the landing ramp, only a few yards away. Anakin cleared his throat while Rex attempted to not look as confused as he felt. "We should get going, the ceremony's going to start soon. If we want to raise enough hell for this to work, you'll need all the time we can get you." Anakin cleared his throat again awkwardly.

"Right, of course," He clapped Rex on the back before whispering lowly in his ear. "We'll talk about the details later. Just try to stay alive, the both of you." 

"When do I not, General?" Anakin folded his arms and chuckled as Rex stepped down after the duo and followed them into the ancient stone building, letting his usual cocky expression transform into one of hopelessness as the Jedi master shook his head. If he was ever going to get his buddy a girlfriend, they were going to have to be on the same page sooner or later.


Sorry!!! This was a short one, I know, but I swear the next part is when the crap will really hit the fan and we'll finally see some true fireworks!!!!! Thank you all so much for your support on this book, it's my favorite one to work on and now that I've been binge-watching every Clone Wars episode ever, my inspiration for this story has been shooting through the roof. And if you guys think I'm rushing things a little too much with the relationships, let me know and I'll slow it down as much as possible. I don't want to jump into something that hasn't had enough time to build yet if you know what I mean. Thanks again for reading!!!!!!


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