Chapter Sixty-Five

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"Oh shit, this is gonna suck."

That was, in fact, an enormous understatement.

As each Tokep leaped forth from the edge of the jungle, it was only when Ventress herself dismounted that the four spies realized just how screwed they actually were. What they once believed would get rid of their Twaran problems had by some ungodly stroke of misfortune decided to join them instead. How exactly, none of them had a clue, but if the witchcraft incident with the slug creature from earlier was any indication then there was no other way the Tokep could've been coerced into servitude other than dark magic.

"We need to keep their attention if we want the Chitauri to escape-"

"I don't think that's going to be a problem, Commander," The general interrupted when Asemdi dismounted as well, eyes completely black with an oil-like substance dripping from the corners. 

Before the team could move, the colony of Tokep had circled them, surrounded them; all four immediately stood with their backs pressed against one another and their weapons drawn. Not that their weapons were going to be much, if any, help in this situation. There were ten of them in all. Ten Tokep, all of them now under the control of their deadliest enemy.

"If you drop your weapons now, we'll be merciful and kill you quickly," Asemdi hissed through her teeth, spheres of energy forming in her palms as she stood to Ventress' left. The Tokep continued to circle, guttural sounds of impatience spewing from the cavities in the center of their heads and occasionally reaching out towards the Republic soldiers before being yanked back by some invisible force.

Despite all four of them on the verge of soiling themselves, they remained in formation. The 'weapons' Ventress was referring to consisted of metal swords the Chitauri had gifted them, not really anything substantial in regards to defense. Instinctively, both Rex and Axel had taken to either side of Molindi, with Rex's shoulder pressed against hers and Axel's leg ever so slightly in front of her own. 

"I have dibs on the trash-mouth bitch. I can't promise her death with be swift," Ventress snarled, her lightsaber blades thrumming with anticipation. Rex's grip on his weapon tightened and Axel's lip pulled back in a snarl similar to Ventress', mirroring the distaste perfectly. 

"I mean, I understand your anger. I would be jealous of the pretty blonde too if I was balder than the day I was ripped from the womb-" The Tokep shrieked all together another piercing sound so loud their ears ached and the air seemed to vibrate from the frequency. One of their spindly white arms got a little too close this time. It's long fingers tried to wrap around the woman's wrist, the wrist of her sword-wielding arm. She jerked back just as Axel's blade came down hard on the creature, harder and with more intent behind the action than just an act of protecting his commander. It recoiled and a small trail of blood started dripping from its wound; not much but enough for the others in the colony to tread more careful when they inched closer.

It was that gesture that, that protective and possessive emotion that caused Ventress to re-evaluate what she knew about these individuals. Or, to be more specific, how these individuals interacted and what they meant to each other.

"You've failed, Ventress," General Skywalker began. He felt the shift in the air; he could tell that Ventress was catching on to things she shouldn't. "The plans your master was wanting to display to his allies are off-world and in possession of the Republic, you've lost."

"That may be true, but I'm sure he'll forgive me when I bring him Anakin Skywalker's head on a silver platter."

"There will be nothing left to show Dooku when our pets are done with you," Asemdi's cold, dead glare felt like burning ice. "You've taken everything I hold dear. My loving, loyal sister and my precious daughters are now gone because of you and your pompous Republic's meddling in our affairs. All four of you will suffer greatly and without rest until you're nothing more than lifeless, bloodless, empty sacks of skin." She stalked towards the group, each step emphasizing her threats. "And when you believe you're at the brink of death, at the very edge of freedom from your torture, I will be there to restore your body to it's fullest just to tear it apart once more." She stopped in front of Molindi, close enough that she could've grabbed her by the throat and strangled the life out of the soldier if she wanted to.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2022 ⏰

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