some kpop opinions

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k, so before u move on & read, if u are someone who gets offended easily (which, it is not my intention to offend anyone, these are my opinions) please don't read this, lmao.
& i know i said i had a problem w these types of things before, but that's bc ppl were being offensive, so yeah smd c':


🌸 winner will always, to me, have the best debut album.

🌸 line distribution is stupid, there are roles for each member for a reason, y'all need to chill w demanding more lines for a certain member.

🌸 hyuna isn't the only female who is comfortable in her body, & she's not the best female rapper/singer. look at jessi, hyolyn (she's not a rapper, but she is so iconic & beautiful), cl, sunmi, & others, thanks.

🌸 winner, btob, block b, ikon, & boyfriend are underrated groups.

🌸 choosing to 'un-stan' winner after taehyun left is stupid. he wasn't the only amazing member.

🌸i can't bring myself to 'stan' many girl groups. & this reason is bc the the basic cutesy concept doesn't really do it for me. & most of the songs are the same, 'i like boy, how do i impress boy, etc' & it gets old for me /; personally, i like, how should i say, diverse girl groups? they do different concepts & their lyrics aren't the same every time. yes, i know that most girl groups aren't in charge of their concepts or lyrics, but still. the only girl group that i 'stan' besides red velvet is dreamcatcher. ugh, their 'really really' cover & their punk rock vibe, i love. ),:

🌸 taemin is one of the best dancers in the kpop community. i like ten's, jongin's, xixing's style as well, & neither of them should be compared. but taemin is a second generation kpop idol, so he's had more time to perfect his skills, i believe.

🌸 the nct light sticks are actually clever bc LMAO ! u can stuff snacks in there, i heard? so that's p nice if i do say so myself.

🌸 hm, the whole 'wendy is racist!' thing. ugh, get ur tea ready shistars. wendy did not degrade or talk bad about black or white people. but she did in fact do childish expressions/impressions that made her look very ignorant. i honestly believe she meant her apology & she has learned from her mistake. y'all need to stop dragging her so much, like damn, idols aren't perfect & the way they see certain people (white, black, hispanic, etc) is the way they will be portrayed in their minds. & before some of u bring up the fact that namjoon made a similar mistake before? w him saying the 'n' word or some shit? yes, he did apologize, did his research & has learned from his mistake. same goes for wendy, stop using these idols past mistake as an excuse to send them death threats or some shit. grow up. (: we're human, get used to it.

🌸 whitewashing photos. the beauty standards of sk aren't any of my business but i find the obsession w whitewashing idols' photos sickening?? people always go on about how pale/white skin is so much desired in sk, which, okay, i understand. but idols w natural tan skin are fucking attractive? lmao, drag me all u want, but it looks more natural & it bothers me when the idols' faces are whitewashed but u can see how different their neck color looks? like ugh, it just ): bothers the fuck out of me. & i know there are some idols that have naturally pale skin, & they are still beautiful/handsome, but i don't see the point of whitewashing photos of idols w pretty tan skin. )): it kinda gives people negative views of loving urself for how u look. it's like "u won't be accepted into our society unless u look like this," n yeah, i don't like most of these beauty standards.

🌸 some "fans" wanna 'un-stan' an idol or certain band member bc of weight gain. again, this brings me back to the beauty standards of sk. if an idol (specifically, female idols) gain a little weight, y'all wanna come for their necks like??? i don't understand u uglies¿ someone looking chubby or smth doesn't mean they're ugly like, oh my god. i see some of these diets these idols have & i see their bodies & they look unhealthy 'skinny,' when it looks like they are underweight. now, yes, being overweight shouldn't be encouraged bc it can be deadly, but a little weight gain in the face or legs/thighs & y'all go ballistic?? no, u do not control these idols. & the unnecessary backlash & hate they get just for gaining a bit of weight can affect them mentally. )): it's sick that they have to be a certain way to please people who are so quick to turn on them. fucking remember & instill this into it ur thick ass heads: THEY ! ARE ! HUMAN !!!

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