[gasp] adam !

60 10 5


iwany to dead

im so unoriginal & wp si stressing me out

& tf is up wygh there barely bejbf any vmin fics? i mean good ones
with p decent ass grammar
y'all suck

bur not really bc u guys are all ihal f

ong did that dousb desper ate


hey so liek ilobe hoseok so much
like I want to xdy so much I really love him

tjis shit is a meas bc im v tiedr & djnt gaf abg how i soudn rn

i wnad to be there for my best friend on his birthday but i live far away & im sad
iwanna do something for him besides be a horrible pieve of shit

im probably goba force myself not to come online for 3 days i jusy
ohmygo ihavetope

THE FPUR is on bud my dad says my bro and i can't qathx tv

immuxh angery

ilovehosoek sm oy h yal dknr fickong understand

iwan f to give him the workd & hold his hand and give him wamryh im sad

ugh y are people so dixkkbg racist

like duck outt here wuyj that bullshit & choke u asshole
omf i soudn so mean imzorur

y is it so hard to be friend. S wuth people
like u will never be a good friend NP matter what u do and it makes no sense e

like why can't thew wolrd be better and trump atop being such  a dixk

if he comes to Texas again im shoving a knife down my trachea lol

whoop my birygsy is next month and i regret telling anyone vx now they want to do something for ms and i don't deserve shit like y'all are nice to me for no reason indon

ifeel like xdyinf crying
imsuxi a whimp
also my back heuts

om so ducking problematic iwanft to delete omg

i want a bowtie ))): they're so cute & small ugh wtf

ddddaeennnnggg ugh fwm joon is so handsome & his voics is so nice fxuk

am so some done
gouht on a hiaysts would beno good vx wp is the only life i have um

idont have any good memes this shit wiLD asucik
path etc ass bjth

im sosy but people that have kinda nsfw pics of girls/girl bodies make me uncofmy?? like don't get me wrinf, i love me a cute girl hut y'all doinf too much uh

11 year olds are on tgsi site

smh @  yall

:c hoseokkkkk baby i luv u oaky i luv u so muchi really hope he got my letter ugh i louc jim

hrEed im tire and i can't fuckibf sleep at all ya now like my mind wojr shit the fuck uP omg
makes me mad

i want to hug my dad but he does not liek when i touch Jim (((((:

fixk i miss my mom hur isk who shesi

im a mess, y'all see his omg

anyqay y'all take care & ish my guys

we kit now im gonna go. Bue

na didn't worru im OK at just p tired ya know wûu

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