oh ):

55 13 34

yo, i tink



fuck what thiNk*

there ok,,

i think i over,, thought some things??

like, ok.

im the leader of my life. & im just pushing myself back into this slump & making feelings that shouldnt exist exist.

& im gonna

miss my friends so much but i feel like ill be replaced when im gone

nOw before yall tell me some bull, listen,, (nO ily mILES OPPArrrrr, no bitch shut up </3) 

yall better move on,, i mean i knOw that yall are, but yeah

make new friends & have a nice summer/life & shit

yeah, life is gonna bloody fuck you, butyall needa tell yourselves thats its not all gonna be bad forever unless yall say that it is

get a better frame of mind,, do the things thatll relax you & make you feel better,, & dont say you dont know what it is, bc you know damn well you do,,

yk what im tryna say? damn fck im hungry

but yeah, ilyall & care abt yall so just remember that life is a crackhead ):<

school is gonna suck, people are gonna be mean, youll have problems wherever, but you gotta be like:

"yo, this is stupid. im not gonna be sad forever bc there are so many enjoyable things out there in life rn. like, food, damn i want some ice cream or fries, or salad & i love my dog/cat/fish/tiger/bear/pet/daddy/mommy/lover whatever. imma go uwu myself back into health bc i goddamn deserve it- like, im not alone bc i have myself & i love myself bc im funny & cute & i can give tha succ real good" ):< damn, just,, (mmm ch1k3n beef or evertink)

yk? am i makin sum sense?

fuck i know i am nOT, but yes

imma miss yall

ew, my grammar is so bad rn dammit ):

do i care,,,, uhh no 😊 sorry bout it

bye, my butt hurts bc of this hard ass floor, but im gonna go (,: 

edit: lmfaooo i was High 😪

edit: lmfaooo i was High 😪

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