mcshark: a yoonmin fanfic

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uh, im gonna mcfuckin choke a knife down my trachea, but here's a lil yt ff from my fav youtuber, dreamy bangtan ♥(✿ฺ´∀'✿ฺ)ノ


it was a regular monday morning and jimin had decided to get mcdonalds for breakfast.

the man got into his lil car and drove to the nearest mcdonalds, pulling into the drive thru, and deciding on his order.

welcome to mcdonalds, order when you’re ready,” a voice spoke through the magic ordering box.

“can i uh, get some barbecue sauce and a burger with no meat. oh and a cup of ice.” the boy requested.

“so like you just want barbeque sauce, a bun, and ice?”


“k, it’ll be like $43.92.”


jimin pulled forward to the window to pay, handing the woman at the window a crisp $2 bill and hoping she wouldn’t notice it wasn’t the full amount.

the man then pulled up to the next window to receive his order.

jimin held his hand out to the blonde man at the window, reaching for his bag of food.

the two boys’ hands touched gently, causing butterflies in jimin’s stomach.

“thanks,” jimin mumbled, throwing his bag in the bag of his car, the barbeque sauce exploding everywhere.

“no problem,” the man replied, his name tag readingyoongi.’

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