"Good, run asshole!" Louis yelled and I knew he left. All of the boys wrapped around me, holding me as I sobbed. 

     "Th- than-thank yo-you." I managed to get out, of my hiccups and tears. 

     "Get her in the room." Liam said, and I felt one of them lift me up bridal position and carry me to the room. They gently set me on the bed, and I continued to cry, feeling blood still running down my lips, and bruises forming on my arms where his fingers dug into my skin. 

     I layed limp in fetul position, not knowing what to do. "Bri, I've got a hot towel, i'm going to wipe up the blood." Zayn's voice was a bit shaky, but calm making me relax a bit more. I felt the warmth of the towel slide over my swollen lip. He was gentle, trying his hardest not to put pressure on it. 

     "Call Harry. He'll freak if he wasn't here to be with her." Liam spoke, but I didn't care to who. 

     "Harry, you need to come to Bri's right now. It's urgent.... You'll see when you get here.... Yes... K bye." Louis voice said in a serious tone. It made me feel better that Harry was coming, and that the four guys were here with me. 

     "I'm s- so sorry guys." I slowly spoke, and they all rushed to my side. 

     "No. Do not be sorry. We are sorry we didn't get to you fast enough. Just take a few deep breaths. It's going to be alright." Niall's sweet irish voice was calming. I reached over grabbing his shirt while crying. His arm reached around me, making me feel safer. I felt bad for soaking his shirt, but the tears wouldn't stop. 

      "Well, this isn't a good first impression." I said, while wiping my tears and trying to breath. They all laughed, making me giggle too. 

    "It's alright, we can hang out another day." Louis said, with a sweet smile. 

   "No. We are going to go out today. i just need to calm down. I can't be stuck in this room all day or i'll be stuck to cry and replay it over and over in my mind. We need to do something fun." I protested, while wiping away more tears and trying to lift my weak body into a sitting postition. Niall reached to help me up, but touched my bruised arms making me yell in pain. "Sorry Bri." He said, quickly moving his hands. "it's fine, I'm just a bit hurt." 

   "So you really want to go out?" Liam asked questioningly. 

   "Yes. Can we go get icecream though. I could really go for some icecream." I said and they all laughed."What?" I asked, looking at them with a confused facial expression.

    "Considering what you just went through, you're pretty calm. It's pretty brave." Zayn said, making me smile at his words. 

    "Well, I just don't want to dwell on it. I'd rather go out and have fun, and try to forget about it... Even though it's going to be a bit hard." I say, while looking at the circular finger print bruises on my arms, and feeling the pain in my lips.

    "Okay, well let's just relax for a little while. You need to calm down, and breath." Liams words made me realize the uneven sound of my breath. I tried to focus on calming it.

    There was a knock at the door, making me jump and hide behind Niall. He wrapped his arms behind him, holding me for saftey. I ducked my head as Louis went to open the doorknob.

    "WAIT." I yelled, without realizing it. Louis turned around to look at me, as well as all the boys. "Wha- what if it's him." A few tears streamed down my face.

    "It's not, It's Harry love. And if it was, we'd beat him up." Louis said to me reasurringly, as Niall wiped away the few tears that escaped my eyes.

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