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Song: Almost Lover

Singer(s): Alison Sudol


I was unceremoniously tossed onto Zayn's bed like a sack of potatoes. My heart was in my throat as I watched him lock the door. I quickly scurried to the other side of the bad and stood. He's not going to get me in a bed with him again.

"Now let's discuss why you're so angry," he murmured as he took a seat on the bed and eyed me.

"I'm not an object you can use in a stupid bet. And even if I were an object I wouldn't be yours!" I growled through clenched teeth.

He raised an eyebrow at me before reaching out and yanking me down into his lap. I gasped, struggling to free myself. But all he had to do was tighten his arms around me and render me incapable of moving. Deciding to continue being stubborn I turned away and refused to meet his gaze.

"I wouldn't bet you unless I was absolutely sure I'd win. What you saw today was me putting Valentine in his place. If I didn't he'd just keep trying to find other ways to take you from me."

"He can't take what you don't have."

A growl left his mouth and I gasped as he slammed me down against the bed, his arms on either side of my head. He stared down into my eyes and I stared back. Wondering what in the world he could be thinking. Questioning what in the world we were even doing.

"You always have and always will be mine," he murmured as his lips grazed my forehead.

A knock on the door interrupted our moment and my mind filled with questions at his words. The words probably didn't mean much but as a person who over analyzed everything, what does he mean?

With an angry sigh, he stands up and let's me sit up. I watch as he opens the door to reveal Liam, he blocks the entire door with his body so Liam doesn't see me right away. Which leads to Liam spiking my curiosity at his next words.

"So your sweetheart has gotten the attention of-"

He was cut off by Zayn pushing him out of the door and shutting me out. I sighed and glared at the door. His sweetheart? Another girl that Zayn stalks and dry humps?


I get up, taking the shutting me out to whisper secrets to each other, as my cue to leave. Zayn and Liam are no where to be found as I make my way out of the place. Dread fills me as I notice the bunch of guys downstairs. They were no where to be found when Zayn dragged me in here.

Oh the joy of having to face immature college boys.

"Aphrodite right?" A guy with chestnut hair and bright blue eyes stopped me as i neared the front door.

Luckily the other guys were paying us no attention.

I nodded at him and he held his hand out to shake mine, "Damien Black, you're the girl James brought to lunch right?"

I didn't miss the dimples on his cheeks as he smiled at me. Making me look like a dumbstruck idiot as I stared at him in awe. He's very cute, in the boy you take home to meet your parents type of way.

"Um yes, how do you know that?" I probably look like a stiff freak as I shake his hand and avoid his gaze.

"I'm friends with them and James said he found us a cute new friend."

"Haha," I laughed at his attempt at flattering me, although why he felt the need to was beyond me, "well see you all tomorrow at lunch then."

He smiled making me swoon internally again, "I can't wait."

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