The Father and the Nun

Start from the beginning

The two walked to Issei's next job location, while Issei was explaining what he usually did on these jobs.

"So you just hang out with your clients and do nothing?" Shirou asked.

"Pretty much," Issei said. "I don't know why you're coming with me. It's actually kinda boring."

"Eh, it still seems interesting," Shirou replied, stopping. "So is this the place?"

Issei looks at the address. "Yeah this is it."

The two enter the house but Shirou stops.

"What is it?" Issei asks.

"I smell blood," Shirou reports, rushing before Issei into the living room.

The magus turns around to see a bloody corpse crucified on the wall.

"What's going on, Shirou?" Issei said as he ran to the magus. He turned around, only to gasp at the horrible sight. Issei coughed and threw up at the sight.

"You okay?"

Issei got back up, though he still looked a bit green. "W-who would do this?"

"Well, well, well," a voice called out. "What do we have here? A devil and some sympathizer?"

The two turned to see a young priest with white hair, red eyes, and a dangerous grin. His presence reminded Shirou of some of the more corrupted members of the burial academy.

'I don't like him,' Shirou immediately thought.

The priest began to happily dance, singing a stupid song. "Cutting down all the devilish fiends, while the nihilistic me is laughing! Chopping off your devilish friends, then go ahead to eat!"

He then gave Issei a creepy grin. "I'm Father Freed Sellzan."

Shirou stepped forward. "And what are you doing here?"

Freed blinked. "Oh, I'm the last ranking member who belongs to an organization who hunts down devils. Now to give you sinners a final sendoff!! Hope you like the afterlife!!"

"What the fuck are you saying?!?" Issei shouted angrily. "The fuck are you doing this?"

"You still don't understand?" Freed said, "This one was a repeat offender, summoning devils left and right."

Issei glared. "But you're human. Why would you kill him?"

This caused the priest to laugh. "HAHAHAHA!!! A devil trying to give me a lecture. Funny.

"Listen here, shitty devil..." the man stomped on the corpse's face, causing blood to spurt all over the floor. Issei glared and Shirou's eyes narrowed. "You're mere existence taints humans. So, I'm stopping them from further corruption. It's kindness."

Issei glared. "Shirou, he's mine."

Shirou nodded. "Understood."

"Oh, is the shitty devil telling his underling to let him handle it?" Freed mocked with a deranged look on his face. "I'll just kill him after I kill you!!!"

The priest took out a pistol and a sword handle. "Now what do you want to be killed by? A sword-" The sword hilt created a light blade, reminding Shirou of a lightsaber. "-or a bullet."

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