Dragon Reborn

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Hi, guys!  So I've decided that I'm going to give Issei a Servant, but I'm not saying which.

A few weeks after meeting Issei, Shirou and the Einzbern-Emiya family went to school.  While the girls went to a local elementary school, Irisviel and Kiritsugu convinced Shirou to go to Kuoh Academy, a prestigious school which only recently allowed male students.  It was also the same school Issei went to.

During those weeks, Shirou had gotten to know him better.  Issei's parents had warned Shirou that Issei was a pervert of the highest order and that it would be better if Shirou would stay away from their son.  Shirou merely laughed and promised he'd be careful.  Afterwards, Shirou gave Issei a little "talk" about his lewd behaviors around Shirou's sisters.  Once they're talk finished, Issei was slightly afraid of Shirou and swore he would never do that.  He was also interested in a magical smell coming from him, the smell of a powerful smell.  However, Shirou could tell that he was just a regular human.

Upon starting school, Shirou had once again gained his title as the School Janitor.  He also heard names such as the Kuoh Brownie and many others.  Shirou had also tried out in the kendo, archery, and martial arts clubs, easily becoming the best in there but getting bored and leaving.  However this caused all of the clubs to want him even more, sending girls to constantly badger him about joining.

School work was easy, as he had done high school before.  Soon after, Shirou had raised to to top of the class, even outshining the class president, Sona Shitori.  This caused the girl to give Shirou death glares at every opportunities.

Speaking of Sona, Shirou had detected strange demonic magical energy from her and other girls.  From what Shirou's research told me, they were devils the demonic beings apart of Judeo-Christian Faction of the supernatural world.  Multiple mythos were turned into factions which were vital parts of the supernatural world.  The Judeo-Christian Faction is the most powerful of them all.

Anyways, Shirou had become one of the most popular students in the school.  Since this school was a formerly all girl school, all the girls like to crowd around potential boyfriends.  Shirou was one of those potential boyfriends, on level with another student, Kiba Yuuto.  He was another devil but had a sword like smell like him.  Normally, Shirou would just befriend him, but he remembered just how perverted the female students were.  To avoid a yaoi outrage, Shirou kept his distance from him.

Shirou was still friends with Issei, but frowned at his and his friends, the Perverted Trio,'s actions.  He would constantly help the girls punish the three, which means made his popularity rise even higher.  One day, Shirou was walking the school grounds when he found those idiots running from the kendo team.

"God dammit," Shirou sighed, somewhat tired with their behavior.  He quickly took his school bag and began swinging it around.  He quickly smashed the bag into the three.  Issei and his friends, Matsuda and Motohama, fell on their asses.  This allowed the girls to catch up with them.  Recognizing Shirou, they smiled happily.

"Thanks, Emiya-kun!" they cheered.  Then they began beating the crap out of the Trio.

"Your welcome!" Shirou smiled, walking away while hearing the sounds of his beaten friend.

Scene Break

"Emiya-kun!" Issei cried.  "Why didn't you save us?"

The girls had beaten them badly, but Shirou had decided to take pity on them, treating their wounds.

"Because you deserved it," Shirou said.

"You dammed handsome!" Issei's acquaintances cried.  "You're the reason we don't have our harems and girls crowding around us."

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