Ars Goetia

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Shirou went with the Occult Research Club back to school, to their club room, a three-story building with a clock tower on the third story.  On the inside was a wood-paneled room with Victorian-style couches and chairs alongside the walls.  On the side, stood an object which Shirou found peculiar.

"Why is there a shower in your club room?" Shirou asked, curiously.

"That's where I take my showers," Rias responded.

"In the middle of your club room," Shirou deadpanned.  "Didn't realize you were an exhibitionist, Gremory-sempai."

Rias blushed.  "I am not an exhibitionist!" she shouted, embarrassed.

"You're only a girl who likes showering in front of her peers," Shirou teased, a smirk appearing on his face.  "I'm pretty sure that's what an exhibitionist does, Gremory-sempai."

"Oh my," Akeno smiled.  "Emiya-kun seems to like teasing Buchou!  Do I smell a love affair?"

Rias glared at her friend.  "Quiet, Akeno!" she snapped.  "It's not like that!"

"That was a quick reaction," Shirou fake-pouted, giving Rias his best puppy dog look.  "Am I not good enough for you?"

Rias blushed again.  "N- No, Emiya-kun!" she hastily said.  "It's just that- It's just that- I- I- I-"

As Rias began stammering like crazy, Akeno and Shirou laughed.  Kiba, however, had gotten annoyed by the situation.

"Buchou," he said, calmly, "can we please get to business.  I want to know why this guy has a Holy Sword."

The three stopped their laughter.  "Very well, Kiba-kun," Rias smiled.  She then turned towards Shirou.  "Emiya Shirou.  Moved to Kuoh Town a few months ago.  No background information available about him or his family that isn't faked by magic.  Adopted into a Japanese-Germainic family, if information is right.  Spends free time at school helping others with cleaning or mending items.  Has displayed major talent in martial arts.  Magical energies can be detected at some items he has repaired."

Shirou smiled.  "You seem to know a bit about me, Gremory-sempai.  May I make my own inference on you."

Rias nodded.

"Rias Gremory," he started.  "A rich young heiress who's family is most likely European in origin.  However, when taking a closer and magical detection, demonic energy can be detected.  Similar demonic energy can be felt from both her Occult Research Club and the Student Council.  Judging from the name Gremory, you are most likely a descendant of one of the demon of King Solomon's Ars Goetia."

"My, my, my," Rias smiled.  "You seem to be very intuitive, Emiya-kun!  Let's fill out the blanks, Emiya-kun.  What are you?  A magician?"

"I prefer the term magus," Shirou said.  "My family and I use a special branch of magic called magecraft.  My favored style of magecraft is sword-related magic, allowing me to create swords such as the Holy Sword you saw before."

"An interesting ability," Rias said, failing to keep a poker face.  She had the beginning of a smile forming.  Akeno was just smiling happily; Koneko looked at him with a curious, yet passive look; and Kiba was glaring at him, though with less intensity than before.

"Now, you're turn," Shirou said.  "Can you please tell me what you did to Issei?"  Shirou said this with such cold, passive fury that the devils all shuddered.

"Scary," Koneko said, her face showing no emotion yet her voice showed pure terror.

"Oh dear," Akeno said, struggling to keep up her smile.  "Emiya-kun is so scary!"

Kiba only gave a huff.

"Well," Rias said, nervously, "I heard his cry for help, so I came."

"You heard his cry for help?" Shirou asked, curious.

Rias snapped her fingers.  A bat appeared out of nowhere.  Shirou instantly detected that it was a magical familiar or some kind.  In a puff of smoke, the bat transformed into a woman.  Said woman took out a flyer and showed it to Shirou.

"In modern times," Rias began to explain, "devils bargain by offering favors and then getting something in exchange.  We don't always take the target's soul but we do get something of equal value.  Souls are for times such as resurrection."

"I see," Shirou said.

"Anyways," Rias continued, "we hand out the flyers and the target summons us, using it to communicate."

"Okay," Shirou said.  "I think I get the gist of it.  Anyways, I think I should tell you more about myself.  My family and I are a family of magi, which is the plural word of magus.  We're mainly staying in Kuoh because it is closest and convenient."

"I see," Rias said.  "That's good to know."

"If that's all, I should get going," Shirou smiled, waving goodbye.

"One more thing, Emiya-kun," Rias said, "would you like to join my peerage.  I have some extra pieces ready."

Shirou smiled.  "I'm fine, thank you.  I'm not into giving up my humanity."

Just as Shirou was about to leave the room, Kiba rushed forward with a sword aimed for his neck.  To everyone's surprise, Shirou caught it with one hand, without even looking.  Shirou took one look at the blade.

"That's cute," Shirou complimented.  "You're pretty interesting, Kiba-kun."

Kiba glared at Shirou, then put away his word, huffing.  Shirou walked away back to his house.

"Kiba," Shirou heard Rias chastise Kiba, "don't you ever do something like that again!"

Shirou smiled, happy with his achievement.  He had made a potentially powerful ally.  Today was a good day.

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