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Hi, guys.  First, I would like to say that I'm not stopping at updating any of my stories.  It's just with school and stuff, it's been hard to update and write.  Also, I want to set the basis for my other stories.

It has been one month since Shirou has been summoned into this world.  For reasons he didn't understand, he had been summoned into his teenage body, meaning he had lighter skin, red hair, and golden eyes.  During that time, the magus had done extensive research on this world, and he had created a base, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.  There he had summoned multiple Servants, who swore loyalty.  Shirou had also worked on a special project, resurrecting his family.  Shirou had created three homunculus bodies which he then used a pseudo-summon on, resurrecting Caster Irisviel von Einzbern, Caster Illyasviel von Einzbern, and Archer Chloe von Einzbern.  Using a Second Magic mystic code, he had provided them with the memories of their parallel selves.

Afterwards, Shirou had them summon their own Servants, the rest of their families.  Irisviel summoned her husband Assassin Servant Kiritsugu Emiya, Chloe summoned her friend Miyu Emiya (Miyu has similar stats to Illya), and Illya had summoned her main guardian, Berserker Hercules.  They had had a happy and tearful reunion, but afterwards, both Irisviel and Kiritsugu wished for their children to go to school.

However, they didn't have a home.  Randomly deciding on a town, they eventually decided on Kuoh Town.  Luckily, Shirou knew the best way to suddenly move into a new town.

"We're going to do this Edelfelt-style," Shirou smile.

Scene Break

Issei Hyoudou was just about to start his daily jerking off when suddenly a loud noise came from outside.

"The fuck!!" Issei shouted, falling out of bed.  Pulling up his pants, the teenager ran outside to find construction going on outside.  They were seemed to be building a large mansion.

"What's going on out here?" Issei's mother asked.

"A mansion?" his dad inquired.

Five hours later, the sound of construction had ended and Issei looked out to see a giant mansion.  Issei stood outside the gate.

"They finished it already," the perverted boy said in awe.

"You'd be surprise by how much people will work when money is involved," a voice rang out behind them.

Issei turned around to see a strange family.  The voice came from a boy about the same age as him.  He had red hair and golden eyes.  Next to him were three girls: one had black hair and golden eyes, and the others looked like twins, with the only difference being their colors.  The one of the boy's right side was an albino with red eyes while the one on the boy's left side had dark skin, silver like hair, and golden eyes.

"It's nice to meet you," the boy said.  "I'm Emiya Shirou.  These are my sisters: Illya, Chloe, and Miyu.  We're your new neighbors."

Issei stared at the girls.  'Wow, I'm not usually into lollis but these girls are kinda cute.'  Issei then shook his head.  'Wait you perv, they're like ten.'

The family were staring at the boy with confusion.  Issei realized that he had acted weird.  "Um..." he said.  "I'm Hyoudou Issei.  You guys don't really look alike."

"Me and Miyu are adopted," Shirou replied.  "Oh, look, there are our parents."

Issei turned to see a couple walking towards them.  The man was looked like Chloe and wore a black suit and tie.  The woman looked like Illya, except older.  What drew Issei's attention was her rather large bust.

"Hi, Papa!  Hi, Mama!" Illya said cheerfully waving.

"Hey, Illya," their mother smiled, picking her up.  "Come on.  Let's go inside.  Shirou and Sella will make us snacks."

"Who's this?" their father asked, turning towards Issei.

"Our new neighbor, Hyoudou Issei," Miyu beamed.

"Nice to meet you, Hyoudou-san," their mother said, still smiling.  "We've got to be going."

The family walked pass Issei, as the boy watched them make their way to their mansion.

'What a nice family," Issei thought.

Okay, so this fic takes places before Highschool DXD.  I'm planning on some fun stuff.

Here are some spoilers:

Astolfo and Gasper Vladi friendship

Outraged Round Table

Hero Faction meets Servants

Issei's familiar

Get ready.  This will be fun.

Fate of DXD (Fate/Stay Night & Highschool DXD crossover) PrototypeWhere stories live. Discover now