Prologue || The End

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The End

It was nice while it lasted. But this will be the last time.

The last time I would hear the sound of chirping birds or the sound of rustling leaves that flow with the wind.

The last time I would taste the same bland food i've been eating for the past few weeks or little sweets I would find littered along in random places.

The last time I would feel the rush of adrenaline as I ran past the wooden trunks of trees in the forest or the fur of the animals as they came to say hello.

The last time I would see the colours changing in the sky as the sun fell and the moon rose or the welcoming smiles from the flowers as their petals surrounded me.

The last time I would see my family.

I guess I'll never know if they meant to leave me or not. It's my fault they left and I'll accept that in my last few minutes. I didn't realise when, but I found myself drowning in their presence. It was too much. They were too much. I can only blame myself but even then I couldn't help what I felt whenever I was around them.

I only hope they find what I left them.

This is the end.

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