Forgot the Perks of Being...What Exactly?

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This new Othello guy was...strange to say the least. He had this atmosphere that was startlingly calming. Newton didn't know what to think about this new man. Sure, he was nothing but kind and didn't pry more then he had to, but something was off about him. He just couldn't put a finger on what irked him so much. Newton shook his head and waved his concern off as sleep deprevation thoughts and unjustified paranoia.

"So you last saw your sister falling down a waterfall's edge." Othello's voice chimed, Newton blinked and stifled a yawn.

"Yeah, that's the last time i saw her." Newton rested his head on his hand. Othello scribbled a few notes in a notepad and looked up again.

"That's quite a shame, while her friend Keith refuses to believe she is dead because they never found a body, and he believes that this quaint cottage has some evidence of her being alive."

"Yeah. Which, I didnt believe him at first. I thought he was crazy. Last time me dragged me out to look for her we got lost for three days." Newton shrugged and frowned at the unpleasant memory. Luckily, Keith had the sense to tell Vic and his younger brother Nitt that he and Newton were going into the forest. Vic had found and dragged both of them back to their respective homes. That was a nightmare in itself.

"I see. Did she say anything odd? Mention anyone's name or anything to how she had been feeling?" Othello held a steady gaze. Newton nodded.

"She had said something about someone named Iton, but i haven't the slightest clue on who that could be. She always made it a point to make all of her friends meet me at one point or another." Newton sighed and the front door was open with probably more force then was necessary.

"Hey Newton! Made any progress?" Keith walked in, he took a glance to Othello and then to Newton. "Who's he?"

"Oh him? That's Othello." Newton replied and yawned. He looked outside and saw the moon had risen long ago.

"Oh my, where oh where did the tine fly? Let us all get some rest." Othello closed his notebook snd got up from his seat.

"Good night to you all."


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