Brushed off Dust

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Tessla looked out the only small window that the room had. It overlooked a snowy landscape and a distant landmark could be made out if she squinted. She sighed, hopping down from the counter she was standing on.

"So Iton." She said aloud, soon after the small red orb flickered to life beside her.

"Yes?" He asked. It wasn't uncommon that the two engaged in conversations that started like this.

"Why can't I go home yet?" She asked, already knowing what his answer would be anyway.

"It's bit safe yet." He replied, the red orb floated into the small cat plush.

"Why not? The titans are back in their tin, Bunkum is more or less back to normal, why isnt it safe still?!" Tessla was starting to grow inpatient. Sensing the tension, Iton replied quickly.

"I dont want to put you or your family in danger." Iton answered.

"In danger of what?!" She implored. The small plush flopped it's head to the side. Iton paused, but didn't answer. Minutes passed. No anwer.

"Tessla. Do you trust me?" He asked finally. Tessla looked at the plush quizzicly.

"Of course I do. I mean, you didn't have to try to keep me safe, but you did." She answered. "What's this about Iton?"

"Truth is, I'm not sure of the full magnitude is." Iton sighed.

"What?!" Tessla gasped. Seconds later they heard glass shatter overhead, the floor above them.

"We have to get out. Now."

*laughs evilly* Im back from the dead with a short chapter. >:3


P.s: Lovely shout out to Helpmeplsilikeppl. Im so glad you like the story! Im sorry to everyone that these updates are sooo slow. I have no excuses. I have the next few chapters planned and will hopefully finish this story soon.

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