New Roads

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Tessla shook her head in disbelief. This new blue orb of light who introduced himself as Ronnie bobbed up and down then circled her a few times before he spoke.

"Hello hello! Who are you exactly again?" Ronnie asked. Tessla could  already tell that Ronnie was an aloof charecter.

"Umm. I'm Tessla. Could you tell me where we are?" Tessla asked. Ronnie bobbed again.

"Oh yeah. We're in the mindscape! Specifically your mindscape, but yeah. The mindscape! Where the best creations of creations come to life!" Ronnie answers and floats in a new direction. "Follow, Follow!" Tessla sighed and followed the light blue orb.

"Wait so what does it mean that I'm in the mindscape?" Tessla asked, jumping over a can of spilled paint.

"Oh, there are a few possibilities. You hit your head too hard, you stepped into a portal on accident, you are a ghost-"

"Okay, okay, that's enough Ronnie, no need to scare her." Iton floated up from behind.

"Oh there you are! Where have you been?" Iton bobbed then answered.

"Rearranging, remixing, the works. Annie may come to our aid." Iton sighed. Ronnie lit up and spun.

"Sister Annie!? Yay! Yay! Yay!" Ronnie spun in circles around Iton.

"Iton, can you explain what's going on? Who's Annie? Who's this? And what's even going on?!" Tessla gestured around the area in confusion.

"I can answer some of your questions. This light blue ball is Ronnie, the youngest of my siblings. Annie is one our of three sisters. Finally, i have little idea as to whats going on, but Annie said she knew something." Iton elaborated and floated to the left. "Come along you two, we need to meet up with Annie."

"Yay! Yay! We get to see Annie!" Ronnie sung merrily and Tessla followed the two.

"Wait, aren't we in the mindscape? How do we get out?" Tessla asked and Iton phased through a wall.

"Iton is really smart and good at escaping places." Ronnie chirped and a door opened up.

"Right this way you two. We have places to be, people to see and others to avoid."


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