Chapter Ten: Part Two

Start from the beginning

"Come on let's get something to drink." I said grabbing a hold of her arm and looking for a kitchen. The house smelled like liquor, sweat, and vomit and it did not smell very good as you can probably imagine. It didn't take us long before we found the kitchen. When we did Elizabeth headed straight for the vodka pouring herself a drink and drinking it.

"You want one?" Elizabeth said smirking at Eliza with a taunting look in her eye. Eliza glared at her sister but didn't say anything. She walked over to wear her sister was and grabbed her drink drinking it whole.

"I'm going to fine Jasmine." Eliza said walking away.

"What was that about?" I questioned.

"Nothing just some sisterly love." Elizabeth said shrugging her shoulders.

"You were taunting her." I growled softly.

"Like I said just some sisterly love." She growled back but the look in her eyes told me a different story. She looked angry but also sad.

"Is this about your mom? You know it's not her fault. Why are you taking it out on her?" I asked softly. Eliza didn't deserve to be hurt because her mother didn't know how to act with her kids.

Elizabeth took a couple more sips of her drink before speaking. "It's really none of your business Hope." I shook my head as she walked away. I know she hates talking about the way she feels but this is really eating her up and messing with her relationship with her sister. I'd make a mental note to make her talk to me about this sooner or later. Sighing I grabbed a cup and the bottle of vodka filling half my cup and drinking it all in one go. I poured myself another cup before leaving the kitchen. I leaned against the wall outside the kitchen just watching things unfold before me. Nothing was really happening other than the usual. People were dancing sensually against each other, others were doing drugs in the corner of the room, and other people were throwing up their drinks. A normal party. I took another sip of my drinking still looking around the room not looking for anything in particular. That was until I saw something that made me want to vomit. Isabella and King dirty dancing and making out on the dance floor.

My heart felt like it broke in half and I couldn't figure out why. I mean I could guess what was bothering me I just didn't want to admit it to myself. Drinking the rest of the substance in my cup I turned my attention the red paint on the wall and the other people at the party. I saw Eliza smiling and dancing with Luke on the other side of the dance floor. That made my heart hurt a little less. Turning away from them I looked over at Isabella and King they were to wrapped up in each other to even notice I was watching them. I turned and went back into the kitchen grabbing a beer out of the freezer.

"Cheers." I muttered softly drinking the beer. I for one didn't like beer it had a weird metallic taste to it. But for the moment that metallic taste is what I needed.

In just an hour of being here I lost count to how many beers I've had and at this point I was drinking the beer like it was water which probably wasn't good. 


I was alone on the dance floor swaying my hips side to side to the beat of the slow song that was playing. That was until hands slipped around my waste and I was dancing against another persons body. But it didn't take long to figure out who it was from the smell of his cologne and the way my heart was racing just by his mere touch.

"Now what is a pretty little thing like you doing out here dancing alone."He whispered into my ear giving me goosebumps all over my body.

"I'm not alone anymore am I?" I responded turning my body to face him. I wasn't thinking clearly and forgot I was supposed to be mad at him. Even though I had no reason to be mad at him he could do what ever he wanted with other girls because  we weren't dating. I just wished it didn't hurt so much seeing him with other girls.

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