Everything to Lose

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My heart was thudding in my chest as the Guardian and Frei broke off from the rest of the group and walked up to the gate. Negotiations. This was just another step in the protocol. It was why they had stopped to talk to us in the first place. They weren't supposed to gas people without trying to work out a peace treaty.

"Not everyone is on your side, as you might have guessed," Frei said in a low voice, removing his helmet. The Guardian took his helmet off. He was younger than I had expected him to be.

"Camden," Derek said, a hint of shock in his voice. I looked at Derek. "He was the Guardian I worked with a lot as an Executioner."

Camden looked at him. "I remember you being a good shot, that's why I didn't shoot you on sight."

"I'm glad you didn't," Derek replied. A ghost of a smile appeared on Camden's lips.

"You said that they weren't all in agreement with us. That's understandable. We just killed a bunch of officials back there," I said to Frei. "Probably some of them were friends of yours. They wouldn't have listened to us, though. They were ready to fight as soon as they saw us."

"I know," Frei said with a sigh, looking down at the helmet in his hand. "You think you really stand a chance against the Elders?"

I shrugged. "I think so, but you can never be sure," I replied. "If we have enough people, skilled people, on our side, then I'm certain of it."

He nodded and raised his eyes to meet mine. "Well, those against you have been outnumbered by those who stand for you."

It was like a weight had been lifted off my chest. I understood that the only reason it had worked so well this time was because Frei knew me and Derek apparently knew the Guardian. It was still a win, though, and I was going to take it.

Camden unlocked the gate, sliding it open for us to join them and the other officials.

"What are we looking at outside?" Derek asked Camden. Farris was eyeing all of the officials wearily. It was understandable. He'd spent years on the run with Emmett from these people who were suddenly saying that they were the good guys.

"Typical riot units," Camden responded, propping his shield against the wall. "They've pulled all of the officials that they could and put them out in the main courtyard and the streets surrounding the prison."

"We received word a few moments ago that your friends had made it into the main section of the prison and were fighting off the officials there," a female Guardian said as she dropped her helmet onto the ground. "It's only a matter of time until you have enough people to overpower the officials outside."

"Unless they gas us out first," I replied, putting my hands on my hips. The prisoners lingered behind us. They narrowed their eyes at the officials across from them as the officials eyed them wearily.

"Right," Frei said, reloading his gun. "I heard that a group of people had made it into where the Leader is being held and was facing heavy fire power there."

"Have they made it out yet?" Farris asked. Frei shook his head.

"No, not yet, but they're going to defeat the officials there before long. A few other officials have gone rogue and joined them," he replied. "You all can be very persuasive."

"It's not hard once you make people realize just how messed up this is," I told him. Innocent people did not deserve to be locked in a cell or placed into an arena to try to kill the person who created the arena.

"What's the plan for getting people out of here without losing too many lives?" the woman asked, looking around at each of us.

I glanced at Derek and then Farris.

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