The one on the floor says "I'm Jake."

The one on my left says "I'm Casey."

The one on my right says "I'm Michael."

Jake says "Then Ashton is around here somewhere."

I say "Ashton wood?"

He says "Yeah."

I say "Fuck."

Michael says "You know him?"

I say "I turned him. We used to have a thing."

"Emily! Nice to see you. What are you doing here?"

My heart skips a beat and I stare at him. Ashton.

I say "I'm teaching you guys how to control. And your not gonna distract me."

He smirks at me and stand next to me.

Jake says "Well let's get started."

I nod and I position everybody in a circle around me.

I say "Okay, watch me."

I shove my arm out and pulled my claws out. I look around at them trying to do what I did.

Jake says "What's your key?"

I say "Anger. Put a little anger in it. Not to much because then you will fully shift. We don't want that yet."

Everyone gets it but Ashton. I walk to him and smirk. I lean into his ear.

I whisper "Think about the first time you saw me. You were angry. Think about when I slashed your neck and liked it."

My words are bringing tears to my eyes. He smirks at me.

I growl "Just do it."

He chuckles witch could bring me to my knees. I hear a growl. I turn around and see Ashton fully shifted. Witch means I have to put him in his place. I turn fully shifter to him and growl.

I say "Ashton find a anchor. Happy thoughts. Think of the memories we had. The times we did everything together."

He walks close to me and looks me in the eyes. He leans down and kisses my cheek and goes down to my shoulder.

I say "Ashton this is not what I meant and you know it wasn't. We never did that."

He says "I know but I need to do this."

He bites me shoulder softly. What the hell?

I say "What the hell. You bit me! Can that effect anything?"

He says "Go home and ask Derek."

I say "I'll return in the morning."

I walk out and see Brett laying in my car. I pull shirt down to look at the bite. I'm kinda scared. I get into the drivers seat and drive to Dereks.


I walk in and see Derek reading the book again. I slowly walk up to him.

I say "What happens if another werewolf bites you."

He looks up and me and then to the big black spot from blood on my shirt.

He says "Who the hell bit you?"

I say "Ashton."

He says "You didn't bite him back did you?"

I say "No? just tell me what it means ! I fell like I'm going to die!"

He says "Its his way of imprinting on you. Like a mating bite. It will heal. You didn't imprint back so it don't mean anything, just that he likes you. But it also causes you to want him."

I say "What happens if I did bite back?"

He says "Then it would be a full mating bite. Its to show other were wolfs that your taken."

I nod and see Brett come inside.

Brett says "You left me."

I say "I was at your house and you didn't go in. So, your following me."

Derek says "He's following you?"

I say "Yeah."

He nods and Brett walks out.

Derek says "Liam was angry that you saved him."

I say "I know but I couldn't leave him. Its not my nature."

He eyes me and nods.

He says "If Ashton is alive, why do your eyes still glow blue?"

I say "I don't know. Maybe it will change."

~Derek's pov~

Emily is slowly becoming a true alpha. I since it. She has power over me. She's just like Scott in a lot of ways. She takes care of omegas, she risks her life for others, and she has a smile on her face no matter what.

She says "Do you care if I stay here for a while. Just until I get my own house."

I say "Uhm yeah, that's fine."

She says "Thank you".

~Emily's POV~

Somethings different. I'm changing some way and I can feel it. I'm becoming stronger and I don't want it. It makes me feel like I need to take care of everybody. But I can't. If someone close to me dies im gonna feel bad.

Falling for you ( Teen wolf & Derek Hale )Where stories live. Discover now