chapter 6

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i couldn't bare to face him. not after i left him without giving him proper reason for walking out and acting weird. that's just not fair, especially not for the alpha who couldn't even remember the dream he had the night before. it wasn't fair, so i skipped out, leaving the pack house for a few days and stayed in seoul.

it's quite there, always has been if i'm honest. not many supernatural species come out here unless it's to have a drink, they couldn't really come out. alphas and leaders always told them to keep social interaction with humans to a minimum cause they were more able to notice something out of the ordinary the more people were coming into town and then leaving again. it was better to keep the people unknown to our life and our whereabouts. it was safer that way. unknown of who we were. unknown of what we do. kept them safe. kept them alive.

sometimes the odd human would go missing, the body would show up a few days later and the authorities would blame an animal attack of the appearance of the corpse; a lack of blood, flesh, organs. always an animal attack. never anything else because there wasn't anything else that they could blame for the attack. just the wild animals that resided in the woods outside of town, humans wondering in there while intoxicated or going for an 'adventure'. none ever coming back alive.

mind you, the majority that ended up dead, never stepped foot near the woods. they just stayed in town, getting moved out of there swiftly to be eaten or drank from and then left in the woods because that was the bargained place that everyone checked first. no where else. just that dumb wood. oh well, human never grew any sense for what was going on, but who could blame them. they were all too scared to look into the disappearances and too worried to dwell on the fact there were murderous creatures hiding in the shadows of the woods.

while i was in seoul, not much happened. no word from the pack house, supposed that everyone just wanted me to enjoy my break without any interruptions or anything that would possibly worry me. it was cute, thoughtful.

it was a fairly chilly night, slowly dawdling round the empty streets of seoul with just a plain black t-shirt on and black jeans, my black boots dragging against the concrete as i walk without paying much attention. it wasn't until i heard a loud pitched scream, my wrist burning harshly and myself dragging towards the alley that was just up the road from where i was stood. i ran in as quickly as i could manage, dragging the rogue wolf off of a fairly small male who was cowered in the corner of the alley, his knees pulled close to his chest as he sobs quietly.

the rogue snaps at me, a gruff growl moving from the back of my throat and the wolf cowering instantly and stalking away into the night. i'd find him later. that was a promise. i move towards the corner slowly, my two rows of teeth chewing on my bottom lip before coughing gently and holding my hand out to the small male. "he's.. he's gone, he won't hurt you now..." i whisper quietly, the males eyes flicking up to mine before he frowns deeply. the brunette on the floor hurried to wipe the tears on his cheeks, clearing his throat and placing his small hand in my bigger one before moving up onto his feet and bowing lowly. a smile moves to my lips as i make a note of his formality, the mark on my wrist burning harshly but i ignore it. he was intriguing.

"thank you, for that...." he says gently, his voice as smooth as chocolate and his eyes matching the colour of his hair slightly. his milky skin brought out the darkness of his eyes, adding difference between his hair and eyes sufficiently. the males style of clothing was subtle, a small amount of colour that was added to the base colour of black, it making a way to bring out the fairness in his skin. it takes me a few minutes to break out of my gaze, the heat rising to my cheeks as i finally understand that he was actually waiting for my name. "junhoe." i whispers quietly, his eyes lighting up and his lips being brought into a smile before he nods.

the males smaller hand was still rested in mine, his eyes flicking to it momentarily before moving to my gaze swiftly. "thank you, junhoe..." he whispers quietly, his lips curved into a cute smile that made my insides melt and my heart fall to my knees. he was so cute. "i'm jinhwan, are you new round here? i've never seen you before." he mumbles softly, his head tilted in curiosity as he purses his lips gently, awaiting an indefinite answer that i wouldn't be able to think of. my head moves before my mouth, nodding slowly before i grin.

"yeah, i just came into town from busan. i'm only here for a few more days though. i've got business in daegu soon." i whisper gently, my hand still locked with his as i sigh. it was calming, just having someone's hand in my own with no care in the world nor any reason behind it. it felt like i was actually protecting someone for once in my life, rather than risking their life for my own or jiwons safety. he smiles up towards me, his eyes creased and his hair falling down over his forehead in a soft honey coloured wave, his lips so soft looking and so perfect, it would make even the straightest of people just want to kiss them forever.

his lips move slowly, like he was talking but i couldn't hear anything until he laughed. a whole, meaningful laugh that made the butterflies flood my stomach and my head go light. he smiles cutely, shaking his head slowly, his honey hair spreading across his forehead before he sighs softly. "what?" i whisper dumbly, his eyes lighting up brightly to match the happy smile splayed on his lips.

"i said, when will you be back in town?" the male mumbles softly, my heart stopping in my chest before a deep from roots itself to my lips. "erm, i'm not too sure if i'm honest. i won't be gone for too long though if i'm honest." i nod slowly, chewing on my bottom lip as he processes what i said quickly. his eyes close softly for a few seconds, his hand slipping from mine and a gentle and lingering kiss gets pressed to my cheek, the heat rising there, causing the very tips of my ears to turn red and i was sure he could hear my heart beating from the teasing smile that just danced across his lips and the teasing aura around him. it was adorable. he was adorable.

"thank you for saving my life, junhoe." he whispers quietly, slipping something into the pocket of my black jacket pocket, his eyes flicking up to mine and the colour now being moved across his own, chubby cheeks. a kiss moves to the very corner of my lips, my eyes dropping shut as he smiles where his lips lay.

it was honestly a matter of seconds before he pulled away, turning on his heel and stalking out of the alley, myself snapping to my senses enough to talk. "wait... what's your name?" he says loud enough for him to hear, the shorter male turning around with a childish smile. "jinhwan." he whispers and then he was gone.

that night, my mark turned pitch black and jinhwan wouldn't leave my mind.

guess who's back :)

home and happy again now :)

thank you all of you for the support through everything :)) i love you all loads and thank you for reading this you're all cuties

i love you loads :)

poppy out <3 x

my wolf - double bOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz